May 2020 Archives by date
Starting: Fri May 1 10:15:52 EDT 2020
Ending: Thu May 28 14:20:02 EDT 2020
Messages: 135
- Connectionists: [jobs] Fully funded Ph.D. position at Ecole Polytechnique (LIX) and IP Paris
Nguyen, Sao Mai
- Connectionists: Fw: [CfP] Security and Trust Management 2020 Call for Papers
Hurley-Smith, Darren
- Connectionists: ACSOS 2020: Deadline Extended for Full Papers
ACSOS 2020
- Connectionists: PhD Studentships in Information, Complex Systems and the Organization of Cognition
Daniel Polani
- Connectionists: CALL FOR PAPERS -- 11th Workshop on Scalable Computing (WSC'20) -- please read the COVID-19 note
Marcin Paprzycki
- Connectionists: NEST Conference 2020 goes virtual — Call for Contributions
Hans Ekkehard Plesser
- Connectionists: CVML live Web lectures 9th May 2020: 1) Structure from Motion 2) 2D convolution and correlation algorithms
ioannakoroni at
- Connectionists: [CfP - Extended Deadline] ICLP2020 - The 36th International Conference on Logic Programming
Laura Pandolfo
- Connectionists: PhD position in theoretical and experimental neuroscience
Nicolas P. Rougier
- Connectionists: Final call for contributions for the virtual WiL 2020 (4th Women in Logic Worskhop collocated with Petri Nets, IJCAR etc)
Rozman, Mihaela
- Connectionists: Fully funded 4-year PhD Position at IIT -Computational approaches to study the neural code
Stefano Panzeri
- Connectionists: PhD Position in Sensorimotor Control and Perception
Dominik Endres
- Connectionists: VLDB Workshop on Data Management and Analytics for Medicine and Healthcare (DMAH 2020)
- Connectionists: ICMI 2020 Doctoral Consortium - 1st Call for Contributions
Nicholas Cummins
- Connectionists: CfP: #ACAIN2020, the 1st International Advanced Course & Symposium on Artificial Intelligence & Neuroscience, September 28 - October 2, 2020, The Wordsworth Hotel & SPA, Grasmere, Lake District, England - UK
Ludovico Montalcini
- Connectionists: First CFP: Network Neuroscience: Brain Networks in the field of Affective, Cognitive and Personality Neuroscience.
Manousos Klados
- Connectionists: CFP COMPLEX NETWORKS 2020 Madrid Spain December 1-3, 2020
Hocine Cherifi
- Connectionists: CFP Deadline Extended - Special Issue on "Behavior and Usability Analysis for Multimodal User Interfaces" in JMUI
Hamdi Dibeklioglu
- Connectionists: [CfP] IEEE TNNLS Special Issue on "New Frontiers in Extremely Efficient Reservoir Computing"
Alessio Micheli
- Connectionists: Call for papers - FAPER2020 workshop at ICPR2020 - UPDATES
Fabio Bellavia
- Connectionists: Call for papers - MAES at ICPR2020 workshop - UPDATES
Fabio Bellavia
- Connectionists: 2nd CfP: WOP2020 at ISWC2020 Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns
Lu Zhou
- Connectionists: Research Fellow/Assistant Professor in Machine Learning (tenure track) - closing date June 23
Michael Felsberg
- Connectionists: [CFP] Final CFP: SMC 2020 Special Session: Human-in-the-loop Machine Learning and Its Applications
Joni Zhong
- Connectionists: ACSOS 2020: Call for Tutorials
ACSOS 2020
- Connectionists: Neuromatch 2.0 – an online unconference in neuroscience, May 25-27, 2020
Grace Lindsay
- Connectionists: Postdoc and multiple PhD positions in deep learning for natural language understanding at Idiap (Switzerland)
James Henderson
- Connectionists: CFP -- 1st Workshop on Actors, Agents, Assistants, Avatars (4A'20) -- video-presentation will be available
Marcin Paprzycki
- Connectionists: [CFP] SI on Remote Sensing
Claudio Piciarelli
- Connectionists: Bayesian Machine Learning at Scale Webinar Starting Wed 13 May
david rohde
- Connectionists: Call for Participation, ACDL2020, 3rd Advanced Course on Data Science & Machine Learning, July 13-17, Certosa di Pontignano (Siena) Tuscany - Italy, Early Registration: May 18
Ludovico Montalcini
- Connectionists: Call for Participation, ACDL2020, 3rd Advanced Course on Data Science & Machine Learning, July 13-17, Certosa di Pontignano (Siena) Tuscany - Italy, Early Registration: May 18
Ludovico Montalcini
- Connectionists: [CfP] ISWC 2019 - *One week left* to submit your abstracts for the Research, In-Use and Resource tracks
International Semantic Web Conference
- Connectionists: Asynchronous access to Computer Vision and Machine Learning (CVML) Web lecture repository
ioannakoroni at
- Connectionists: Call for Papers: The 6th International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization & Data Science – July 19-23, 2020 – Certosa di Pontignano, Siena, Italy - Paper Submission Deadline: May 15
Ludovico Montalcini
- Connectionists: PhD position at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland)
Milekovic Tomislav
- Connectionists: [jobs] Postdoctoral position in “Cognition for safety and ergonomics for human-robot interaction in manufacturing workspaces” - [ Postdoc ]
Francesco Rea
- Connectionists: [jobs] Postdoctoral position in “Efficient perception for safety and ergonomics for human-robot interaction in manufacturing workspaces”
Francesco Rea
- Connectionists: Call for online participation: First workshop on Resources for African Indigenous Language (RAIL)
Menno Van Zaanen
- Connectionists: [CfP] ICLP 2020 - Deadline Approaching - *One week left* to submit your abstracts
Laura Pandolfo
- Connectionists: Brain Computer Interfaces 101 online webinars
Slavik Slavikk
- Connectionists: Industry vacancies for ML Research Scientists (Trustworthiness/Robustness) in Berlin/Germany
Tarek R. Besold
- Connectionists: 6-year PostDoc Position in Algorithms at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Vienna, Austria *** Application deadline is May 28, 2020 ***
Rozman, Mihaela
- Connectionists: PhD/Post-doc/research engineer positions in machine listening, Loria/Inria Nancy – Grand Est.
Romain Serizel
- Connectionists: 🧠 Neureka Epilepsy Challenge - Test set released!
Yannick Roy
- Connectionists: PyCM 2.7 released: Machine learning library for confusion matrix statistical analysis
Sepand Haghighi
- Connectionists: Research Position in Neuromorphic Computing: Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
sumit bam shrestha
- Connectionists: Dual-award PhD in Neuromorphic Olfaction (UH/WSU)
Michael Schmuker
- Connectionists: Call for Late-Breaking and Position Papers: SIGdial 2020 Special Session on Situated Dialogue with Virtual Agents and Robots (RoboDial 2.0)
José David Lopes
- Connectionists: Several Open PhD Positions in the doctoral program on Logical Methods in Computer Science (LogiCS) in Austria ***Deadline: June 12, 2020***
Rozman, Mihaela
- Connectionists: CIKM 2020 - Call for Applied and Resource papers - COVID19 UPDATES
CIKM 2020 Publicity
- Connectionists: Online Research with Labvanced
Lee Leah
- Connectionists: International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science 2020 in Tokyo
Kenji Doya
- Connectionists: ACSOS 2020: Call for Doctoral Symposium Papers
ACSOS 2020
- Connectionists: [held online] CFP: Big Data & Deep Learning in HPC (IEEE Xplore) @Porto, Portugal
Carlos Ferreira
- Connectionists: Call for Papers - MDPI Journal of Imaging special issue on "Fine Art Pattern Extraction and Recognition"
Fabio Bellavia
- Connectionists: Job Opportunities at the Optimisation and Optimal Control research group at the Center for Applied Mathematics of the University of Bremen (Germany)
Annalisa Riccardi
- Connectionists: [CfP] Ready for NeurIPS 2020 3D + texture garment reconstruction competition?
Meysam Madadi
- Connectionists: CFP: ECCV 2020 Advances in Image Manipulation (AIM) workshop and challenges
Radu Timofte
- Connectionists: CFP: Software and System Engineering (SSE); Deadline 29.05.2020; TELE-presentation posisble
Marcin Paprzycki
- Connectionists: NEURAL COMPUTATION - May, 2020
Terry Sejnowski
- Connectionists: CVML live Web lectures 20th May 2020: 1) Motion estimation, 2) Introduction to Machine Learning. Change of CVML web lectures date/time.
ioannakoroni at
- Connectionists: PhD position in computational neuroscience and robotics
Xavier Hinaut
- Connectionists: Fully funded PhD in Networking and Communication Technology at the University of Vienna, Austria ***Deadline: June 7, 2020***
Rozman, Mihaela
- Connectionists: CFP [Extended Deadline] : IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD2020) - Deadline Extended (May 22, 2020)
Carlos Ferreira
- Connectionists: 3rd Call-for-papers: ICPR 2020 Workshop on Research & Innovation for Secure Societies (RISS 2020)
Bogdan Ionescu
- Connectionists: 2nd CfP 2nd Workshop on Evaluation and Experimental Design in Data Mining and Machine Learning (EDML 2020) @ ECML PKDD
Albrecht Zimmermann
- Connectionists: 2nd CfP for Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sports Analytics (MLSA) @ ECML PKDD 2020
Albrecht_Zimmermann at
- Connectionists: Two PhD positions (4 years each) „Computing in Nonlinear Dynamical Media“ in Groningen, Netherlands
Herbert Jaeger
- Connectionists: Special Issue on "Intelligent Perception, Application and Security Mechanism in the Internet of Things" - Last Call
Xiaochun Cheng
- Connectionists: [Jobs] Sony AI hiring in Reinforcement Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Robotics - location flexible
Stone, Peter
- Connectionists: [CFP] Third Workshop on Spatial Language Understanding (SpLU) @EMNLP-2020
Kordjamshidi, Parisa
- Connectionists: CFP - ECCV Workshop on Transferring and Adapting Source Knowledge in Computer Vision & VisDA Challenge
Tatiana Tommasi
Anna Rogers
- Connectionists: 2nd CfP - AdKDD @ KDD2020
Vladan Radosavljevic
- Connectionists: Invitation for the 2020 Summer School on Autonomous Systems, 17-21th August 2020, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
ioannakoroni at
- Connectionists: [Jobs] 6 PhD positions on Computer Vision at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) - PAVIS
- Connectionists: VISMAC2020 summer school - COVID-19 Updates
Fabio Bellavia
- Connectionists: AI for Social Good: perspective, declaration, open call.
Tom Schaul
- Connectionists: [Final CFP and Updated Schedule] ICLP 2020 - The 36th International Conference on Logic Programming
Laura Pandolfo
- Connectionists: ICMI 2020: Second Call for Demonstrations and Exhibits
Nicholas Cummins
- Connectionists: PhD position "Deep Learning for MRI-based addiction research" at Charité in Berlin (PI Kerstin Ritter, start: 1st July 2020)
Kerstin Ritter
- Connectionists: Call for Papers; Network Systems and Applications; 29.05 deadline; IEEE #49059; Tele-presence possible (reduced fee)
Marcin Paprzycki
- Connectionists: Fully funded 4-year PhD positions in Machine Learning for Medical Image Analysis at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Michael Kampffmeyer
- Connectionists: [CfP] Security and Trust Management 2020 Call for Papers
Hurley-Smith, Darren
- Connectionists: Two PhD positions on prefrontal activity and reward learning
Dominik Endres
- Connectionists: [CfP] ESWC 2020 - Call for Participation
Valentina Ivanova
- Connectionists: 1 month away - Submission ISCMI20(Stockholm)
Suash Deb
- Connectionists: CVML Web lectures 27th May 2020: 1) Artificial Neural Networks. Perceptron 2) Multilayer perceptron. Backpropagation
ioannakoroni at
- Connectionists: TREC Health Misinformation Track 2020
Maria Maistro
- Connectionists: Community review of two new standards now open
Helena Ledmyr
- Connectionists: IEEE BigMM 2020 [Converted to Virtual]: Call for Papers (Final Paper Submission Deadline: 31 May)
- Connectionists: 2nd CfP: Fourth Workshop on Lifelong Learning @ICML 2020
Sarath Chandar
- Connectionists: Publication of the NeurIPS2019 Reproducibility Challenge reports
Nicolas P. Rougier
- Connectionists: ICMI 2020: Final Call for Long and Short Papers
Nicholas Cummins
- Connectionists: CFP: SoGood 2020 – 5th Workshop on Data Science for Social Good ( ECML-PKDD 2020)
Carlos Ferreira
- Connectionists: [held online] Summer School on Machine Learning and Big Data with Quantum Computing, 7-8 September 2020
Carlos Ferreira
- Connectionists: e-print available: supervised learning under concept drift
Michael Biehl
Francesco Rea
- Connectionists: ASOC J (Imp. Factor = 4.8) Special Issue on "Randomization-based learning Algorithms and applications"
Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan
- Connectionists: ICONIP 2020 SS on "Randomization-based learning Algorithms and applications"
Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan
- Connectionists: ICNC 2020 SS on "Randomization-based learning Algorithms and applications"
Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan
- Connectionists: ISTA'20, Chennai, India - Call for Papers - Journal Special Issue
Sabu M. Thampi
- Connectionists: Call for Papers: The 6th International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization & Data Science – July 19-23, 2020 – Certosa di Pontignano, Siena, Italy - Paper Submission Deadline: June 4
Ludovico Montalcini
- Connectionists: VLDB Workshop on Data Management and Analytics for Medicine and Healthcare (DMAH 2020)
- Connectionists: Fwd: CFP: Information Systems and Technologies IST'2020 -- IEEE Event (Digital Library publication) -- telepresence possible -- 29.05.2020
Marcin Paprzycki
- Connectionists: CFP - ISCMI 2020, Stockholm (Deadline within a month)
ISCMI Publicity
- Connectionists: Fw: Call for Submissions - Cybermedia: Scientists and Humanists Face the Machines
Carol S Vernallis
- Connectionists: Virtual Symposium on Reproducibility in Machine Learning
Sameer Singh
- Connectionists: [CFP] Final CFP: SMC 2020 Special Session: Human-in-the-loop Machine Learning and Its Applications
Joni Zhong
- Connectionists: Deadline extension: Special Entropy Issue "Information Theory in Computational Neuroscience"
Dimitrije Markovic
- Connectionists: Position in Intepretable ML @ JKU Linz
Johannes Fürnkranz
- Connectionists: CfP: ACAIN2020, the 1st International Advanced Course & Symposium on Artificial Intelligence & Neuroscience, September 28 - October 2, 2020, The Wordsworth Hotel & SPA, Grasmere, Lake District, England - Deadline: May 31
Ludovico Montalcini
- Connectionists: What makes Labvanced unique in terms of features
Lee Leah
- Connectionists: CFP: Workshop on Insights from Negative Results (EMNLP 2020)
Anna Rogers
- Connectionists: Call for Participation, ACDL2020, 3rd Advanced Course on Data Science & Machine Learning, July 13-17, Certosa di Pontignano (Siena) Tuscany - Italy, Early Registration: June 8
Ludovico Montalcini
- Connectionists: Call for Papers: IEEE/WIC/ACM WI-IAT 2020
H.Z. Kuai
- Connectionists: ICMI 2020: Final Call for Long and Short Papers
Nicholas Cummins
- Connectionists: NEST Conference 2020 — Submission deadline 1 June 2020
Hans Ekkehard Plesser
- Connectionists: CFP COMPLEX NETWORKS 2020 Madrid Spain December 1-3, 2020
Hocine Cherifi
- Connectionists: CFP: ECCV 2020 Advances in Image Manipulation (AIM) workshop and challenges
Radu Timofte
- Connectionists: "Learning physics with ML" Virtual workshop, Thursday, May 28, 10am-1pm EDT
Nemenman, Ilya
- Connectionists: CIFAR Catalyst AI PostDoctoral Fellow (Vector Institute, Dalhousie University, U of Toronto) -- Position available
Sageev Oore
- Connectionists: ICLD-EpiRob 2020 Journal Track - Extended Deadline and COVID-19 Update
Francisco Cruz
- Connectionists: Invitation to Summer short course on Deep Learning and Computer Vision for Autonomous Systems 2020, 17-18th August 2020
ioannakoroni at
- Connectionists: Final CfP Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sports Analytics @ ECML PKDD 2020
Albrecht Zimmermann
- Connectionists: [CVML] [CfP] EAI CloudComp 2020
M Elahi
- Connectionists: ACM SIGAI Activities Fund: Second Call for Proposals
Nicholas Mattei
- Connectionists: PhD studentship (Neuroevolution in Deep Learning)
Edgar Galván
- Connectionists: [ML-news] Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation - held live May 31 - June 15 - free access to plenaries and workshop
Aude Billard
- Connectionists: Postdoctoral position on real-time layer-fMRI at 7T available at MPI in Leipzig
Romy Lorenz
- Connectionists: PhD studentship (Neuroevolution in Deep Learning) at Maynooth University, Ireland
Peter Mooney
- Connectionists: Post doc position at UCL in human motion sequencing to investigate threat-related behaviour (PI Dominik R Bach)
Dominik R. Bach
- Connectionists: CVML Web lectures 3rd June 2020: 1) Deep Learning. Convolutional Neural Networks 2) Deep Object Detection
ioannakoroni at
- Connectionists: NEURAL NETWORKS, June 2020
DeLiang Wang
Last message date:
Thu May 28 14:20:02 EDT 2020
Archived on: Fri May 29 07:40:31 EDT 2020
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