Connectionists: Virtual Symposium on Reproducibility in Machine Learning

Sameer Singh sameer at
Sun May 24 19:09:04 EDT 2020

UCI Symposium on Reproducibility in Machine Learning
*June 10th, 2020*, 9am to 1pm Pacific Time

Program details:
Stream link available after registration

Please join us online for a half-day symposium on the topic of
reproducibility in machine learning.
The event will consist of 4 invited talks plus a panel discussion from
thought-leaders in this area:

- Kyle Cranmer <> (NYU): Reusable workflows,
active learning, and simulation-based inference
- Percy Liang <> (Stanford): CodaLab: a
platform for efficient collaborative research
- Victoria Stodden <> (UIUC): Reproducibility matters
even if models can discriminate perfectly between chihuahuas and blueberry
- Joaquin Vanschoren <> (Eindhoven
University of Technology): Sharing and reproducing machine learning
experiments with OpenML

Sameer Singh and Padhraic Smyth, UCI

Sameer Singh
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
University of California, Irvine
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