Connectionists: CFP - ISCMI 2020, Stockholm (Deadline within a month)
ISCMI Publicity
iscmi.2020 at
Sun May 24 18:28:08 EDT 2020
Dear colleagues,
The *7th International Conference on Soft Computing and Machine
Intelligence (ISCMI 2020)* will be held in Stockholm, Sweden (14th-15th
Nov, 2020 - lSCMl is the annual flagship
event of llCCl ( and is held annually since 2017 in
memory of life & work of Prof. Lotfi Zadeh.
IEEE Sweden Section, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society & IFSA are
the technical co-sponsors for the event.
*Submission Deadline*
25th June 2020
Notification date: July 20, 2020
The proceedings of all the previous 6 lSCMl conferences are available on
IEEE Xplore.
Apart from the lEEE published proceedings & availability at Xplore, there
is scope for a selected subset of papers to be considered for publication
at a special issue of the NCAA journal (a Springer publication with 2018
Impact Factor & 5 year Impact Factor of 4.664 & 3.570 respectively
*Prof. Zadeh Memorial lecture *
The annual llCCl Prof. Zadeh Memorial lecture at ISCMI 2020 will be
delivered by Prof. B-M Bernadette, the current President of IEEE
Computational Intelligence Society (Life Fellow, IEEE & also Fellow, IFSA).
We hope to see you in Stockholm later this year!
Best regards,
ISCMI 2020 Organizing Committee
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