[Olympus developers 156]: explicit confirm help

Tiziana Ligorio ligoriotiziana at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 11:41:27 EDT 2009

I'm trying to set up our system so that certain concepts will be always
explicitly confirmed.
However, when the answer to an explicit confirm in "NO", the system keeps on
asking for a confirmation instead of trying to obtain the concept again.

This is my set up:

I have an expl.pol as follows:


                ACCEPT     EXPL_CONF     IMPL_CONF
INACTIVE            1          -             -
CONFIDENT           -          10            -
UNCONFIDENT         -          10            -
GROUNDED            1           -            -

and the grounding.policies file includes expl = expl.pol

then in the Task.cpp I specify the explicit policy for certain concepts, for

STRING_USER_CONCEPT(area_code, "expl")

and the ExplicitConfirm.pm file in the NLG specifies the appropriate

The system does correctly ask for an explicit confirmation of the concept,
but it does not properly respond to a "NO" answer, and it simply keeps on
repeating the explicit confirm prompt.
I guess I"m missing where it is that I should specify the system's behavior
to try and obtain the concept again, but I thought that a "NO" answer to an
explicit confirmation would simply put back on the stack the agent that
initially requested the concept.

Can anyone help?
Thank you,
Tiziana Ligorio
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