[Olympus developers 157]: Re: explicit confirm help

Antoine Raux antoine.raux at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 15:28:54 EDT 2009

Hi Tiziana,

Well what *should* happen is that the concept should go to the INACTIVE 
state after a "NO". What happens next depends on your task tree but most 
of the time, it will request the concept again (because the request 
agent should still be in a non-completed state at the top of the stack). 
Could you send to the mailing list both your task tree definition file 
and a log file that displays the behavior you're mentioning?


Tiziana Ligorio wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to set up our system so that certain concepts will be 
> always explicitly confirmed.
> However, when the answer to an explicit confirm in "NO", the system 
> keeps on asking for a confirmation instead of trying to obtain the 
> concept again.
> This is my set up:
> I have an expl.pol as follows:
> EXPLORATION_MODE=epsilon-greedy
>                 ACCEPT     EXPL_CONF     IMPL_CONF
> INACTIVE            1          -             -
> CONFIDENT           -          10            -
> UNCONFIDENT         -          10            -
> GROUNDED            1           -            -
> and the grounding.policies file includes expl = expl.pol
> then in the Task.cpp I specify the explicit policy for certain 
> concepts, for example:
> STRING_USER_CONCEPT(area_code, "expl")
> and the ExplicitConfirm.pm file in the NLG specifies the appropriate 
> prompts.
> The system does correctly ask for an explicit confirmation of the 
> concept, but it does not properly respond to a "NO" answer, and it 
> simply keeps on repeating the explicit confirm prompt.
> I guess I"m missing where it is that I should specify the system's 
> behavior to try and obtain the concept again, but I thought that a 
> "NO" answer to an explicit confirmation would simply put back on the 
> stack the agent that initially requested the concept.
> Can anyone help?
> Thank you,
> Tiziana Ligorio

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