Connectionists: CFP Special Issue Applied Network Science: GLOBAL FLOW OF COMMODITY, MONEY, HUMAN, AND KNOWLEDGE

hocine cherifi hocine.cherifi at
Mon Sep 23 04:39:27 EDT 2019

*Applied Network Science Special Issue on*

*Global Flow of Commodity, Money, Human, and Knowledge*

The phenomenon of globalization can simultaneously reduce international
economic inequality (e.g., in the case of emerging countries) and worsen
domestic economic inequality (e.g., increase of relative poverty in a
several advanced countries). How can we solve this trade-off between
international and domestic inequalities? On the other hand, it is highly
desirable to avoid the reduction of biological and cultural diversity due
to globalization. What can we do to promote the sustainable evolution and
preservation of local diversities?

Network analysis on global interdependence caused by the flows of
commodity, money, people, and knowledge is indispensable in order to
acquire different perspectives on globalization and to clarify its effects
on isolated communities, which are most vulnerable in terms of equality and
diversity. Consequently, the aim of this special issue is to collect a
series of pioneering works in this interdisciplinary field, at the edge of
natural and social sciences, to provide a landscape of research progresses
and potentials in evidence-based policy making.

Papers of a broad nature – as per the topic to be tackled – on various
aspects of global flow of commodity, money, people, and knowledge are to be
considered as possible contributions for this special issue.

Manuscripts relevant to this special issue include, but are not limited to,
the following:

   - International trade network
   - Global supply-chain network
   - Global resource flows and stocks
   - Global ownership network
   - Global value added network
   - Economics and financial networks
   - Profit shifting in digital economy
   - Networks of immigrant and remittance
   - Blockchain remittance
   - Egocentric network analysis of refugees
   - International knowledge flow
   - Knowledge flow, sharing, and collaboration
   - Multilayer and multiplex network analysis
   - Evidence-based policy making and network science

Survey and review papers are welcome.

*Important dates*
Expression of interest and abstract submission: *October 7, 2019*
Abstract feedback notification: * October 21, 2019*
Paper submission deadline: *January 13, 2020*

*Submission instructions*
We invite authors to submit a brief *expression of interest* containing a
short outline or extended abstract (approx. 1000 words), including the
topic, key concepts, methods, expected results, and conclusions. Abstracts
should be submitted via EasyChair:

These will be reviewed to determine if the submission is in the scope of
this special issue.

Authors with accepted abstracts will be invited to submit their papers
through the journal submission system for a full review and publication.
Manuscripts can be submitted continuously until the deadline. Once a paper
is submitted, the review process will start immediately. Accepted papers
will be published continuously in the journal. All accepted papers will be
listed together in an online virtual special issue published in the journal

*Lead guest editor*
Yuichi Ikeda, ikeda.yuichi.2w at
Kyoto University, Japan

*Guest editors*
Guido Caldarelli, guido.caldarelli at
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy

Maximilian Schich, Maximilian.Schich at
University of Texas at Dallas, USA

Teruyoshi Kobayashi, kobayashi at
Kobe University, Japan

Irena Vodenska, vodenska at
Boston Univeristy, USA

For more information, get in touch with the editors.
*Join us at *:  COMPLEX NETWORKS 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
*Publish your work on:* Applied Network Science
Networks & their Applications
*   Pr Hocine CHERIFI                             *
*   LIB     EA N° 7534                                                  *
*   Faculté des Sciences Mirande            *
*    9 , avenue Alain Savary                     *
*    BP 47870                                           *
*    21078 DIJON    FRANCE                  *
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