Connectionists: Forthcoming book on Evolving Connectionist Systems

Nikola Kasabov nkasabov at
Mon Jul 3 22:36:40 EDT 2006

Please, post this announcement to interested colleagues.Thanks,regardsNik Kasabov  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nikola Kasabov Evolving Connectionist SystemsThe Knowledge Engineering Approach2006 2nd ed. Approx. 400 p. 185 illus. Softcover, ISBN 1 -84628-345-0  Springer, www.springer,comThis second edition of Evolving Connectionist Systems presents generic computational methods and techniques that can be used for the development of evolvable, adaptive, knowledge-based models and systems, that also include new trends, such as: personalised modelling, computational neuro-genetic models; quantum information processing related to connectionist models. New applications for bioinformatics, autonomous robots, adaptive decision support systems, adaptive multimodal system, etc are also added. The models and techniques presented are connectionist-based, integrating neural networks, fuzzy rule-base systems, evolutionary computation, and statistical techniques. Divided into three parts, the book opens with evolving processes in nature; looks at methods and techniques that can be used in evolving connectionist systems; then covers various applications in bioinformatics and brain studies; finishing with applications for intelligent machines. Aimed at all those interested in developing adaptive models and systems to solve challenging real world problems in computer science and engineering.Contents: From the contents: Part 1 Evolving Connectionist Systems: Methods and Techniques * Introduction: Evolving Information Processes and Evolving Intelligence * Feature selection, Model Creation and Model Validation: Statistical Learning Approaches * Evolving Unsupervised Learning Methods: Clustering and Vector Quantisation * Evolving Connectionist Methods for Supervised Learning * State-Based and Spiking Neural Networks * Evolving Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems * Population/Generation-Based Methods: Evolutionary Computation - Evolving Integrated Multi-Model Systems * Part II Inspiration from-, and Applications to Natural Biological Systems * Data Analysis, Modelling and Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics * Dynamic Modelling of Brain Functions and Cognitive Processes * Modelling the Emergence of Acoustic Segments from Spoken Languages * Part III Evolving Intelligent Systems * Adaptive Speech Recognition * Adaptive Image Processing * Adaptive Multi-modal Systems * Evolving Robotics and Socio-Economic Systems- Quantum Inspired Connectionist Systems.  __________________________________________________________
Prof. Nik Kasabov,  PhD, FRSNZ
Founding Director and Chief Scientist - 
Knowl. Eng. and Discovery Res. Inst., KEDRI
Chair of Knowl. Eng., School of Comp. and Inform. Sciences 
Auckland University of Technology, 581 Great South Rd, 1020  Auckland
New Zealand, <>, email: nkasabov at
PA and contact: Mrs Joyce D'Mello, jdmello at; ph.: +64 9 9219504

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