Connectionists: CNS 2006 - Hippocampus Workshop in Edinburgh, July 19th

Laurenz Wiskott l.wiskott at
Tue Jul 4 09:02:59 EDT 2006


	      Functional Models of the Hippocampal Formation

		 Edinburgh, UK, Wednesday July 19th, 2006

		   Workshop organized by Laurenz Wiskott
	       at CNS 2006, Edinburgh, UK, July 16th - 20th


The detailed tentative program is available at


Morning session 9-12 o'clock

Laurenz Wiskott   "From slowness to place fields"

András Lörincz    "May the hippocampal formation break the curse of

William B. Levy   "Dynamics and Randomization Drive CA3 Recoding for
                  Sequence Learning and Prediction"

Alessandro Treves "What is the advantage of differentiating CA1 from CA3?"


Afternoon session 14-17 o'clock

Szabolcs Káli     "Radically different computational properties of the two
                  main cortical inputs to area CA1 in single cells and

Roger Traub       "Electrical coupling between principal cell axons: a
                  source of very fast oscillations (>70 Hz), gamma
                  oscillations (30-70 Hz), and beta2 oscillations (20-30 Hz)"

Máté Lengyel      "Uncertainty, phase and oscillatory hippocampal recall"

Final Discussion


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