Connectionists: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 16, No. 2, March 2006
Marios M. Polycarpou
mpolycar at
Thu Apr 13 16:55:46 EDT 2006
Dear Colleagues,
The following articles appear in the latest issue of
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
vol.17, no.2, March 2006.
The articles can be retrieved on IEEE Xplore:
Marios M. Polycarpou
IEEE-TNN Editor-in-Chief
email: ieeetnn at
A node pruning algorithm based on a Fourier amplitude sensitivity test
Lauret, P.; Fock, E.; Mara, T.A.
Pages: 273- 293
Generalizing self-organizing map for categorical data
Chung-Chian Hsu
Pages: 294- 304
The parameterless self-organizing map algorithm
Berglund, E.; Sitte, J.
Pages: 305- 316
Implementing online natural gradient learning: problems and solutions
Weishui Wan
Pages: 317- 329
The linear separability problem: some testing methods
Elizondo, D.
Pages: 330- 344
Modulated Hebb-Oja learning Rule-a method for principal subspace analysis
Jankovic, M.V.; Ogawa, H.
Pages: 345- 356
Toward the training of feed-forward neural networks with the D-optimum input
Witczak, M.
Pages: 357- 373
Orthogonal search-based rule extraction (OSRE) for trained neural networks:
a practical and efficient approach
Etchells, T.A.; Lisboa, P.J.G.
Pages: 374- 384
A bidirectional heteroassociative memory for binary and grey-level patterns
Chartier, S.; Boukadoum, M.
Pages: 385- 396
Basins of attraction in fully asynchronous discrete-time discrete-state
dynamic networks
Bahi, J.M.; Contassot-Vivier, S.
Pages: 397- 408
Dynamics analysis and analog associative memory of networks with LT neurons
Huajin Tang; Tan, K.C.; Teoh, E.J.
Pages: 409- 418
Blind estimation of channel parameters and source components for EEG
signals: a sparse factorization approach
Yuanqing Li; Cichocki, A.; Amari, S.-I.
Pages: 419- 431
Adaptive wavelet neural network control with hysteresis estimation for
piezo-positioning mechanism
Faa-Jeng Lin; Shieh, H.-J.; Po-Kai Huang
Pages: 432- 444
Modeling and inverse controller design for an unmanned aerial vehicle based
on the self-organizing map
Jeongho Cho; Principe, J.C.; Erdogmus, D.; Motter, M.A.
Pages: 445- 460
Neural-network-based adaptive UPFC for improving transient stability
performance of power system
Mishra, S.
Pages: 461- 470
Sparse bayesian kernel survival analysis for modeling the growth domain of
microbial pathogens
Cawley, G.C.; Talbot, N.L.C.; Janacek, G.J.; Peck, M.W.
Pages: 471- 481
A neuromorphic depth-from-motion vision model with STDP adaptation
Zhijun Yang; Murray, A.; Worgotter, F.; Cameron, K.; Boonsobhak, V.
Pages: 482- 495
Neuromorphic walking gait control
Still, S.; Hepp, K.; Douglas, R.J.
Pages: 496- 508
Adaptive neural network control for a class of low-triangular-structured
nonlinear systems
Hongbin Du; Huihe Shao; Pingjing Yao
Pages: 509- 514
Computation of Adalines' sensitivity to weight perturbation
Xiaoqin Zeng; Yingfeng Wang; Kang Zhang
Pages: 515- 519
Associative memory design for 256 gray-level images using a multilayer
neural network
Costantini, G.; Casali, D.; Perfetti, R.
Pages: 519- 522
Convergence of gradient method with momentum for two-Layer feedforward
neural networks
Naimin Zhang; Wei Wu; Gaofeng Zheng
Pages: 522- 525
On the new method for the control of discrete nonlinear dynamic systems
using neural networks
Hua Deng; Han-Xiong Li
Pages: 526- 529
Batch map extensions of the kernel-based maximum entropy learning rule
Gautama, T.; Van Hulle, M.M.
Pages: 529- 532
Comments on "The 1993 DIMACS graph coloring Challenge" and "Energy
function-based approaches to graph Coloring"
Jing Liu; Weicai Zhong; Licheng Jiao
Pages: 533
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