Connectionists: Reminder: 'First Workshop on Topics of the Roadmap'
A en A de Kamps
aenadekamps at
Fri Apr 14 04:04:11 EDT 2006
There are still some spots available at the 'First Workshop on Topics of the Roadmap'.
The topics are:
Bio-inspired and evolvable hardware, Brain-Machine Interfacing, Peripheral
The full programme can be found below.
Information page:
Attending the workshop is free, but a registration is required. Please send
mail to:
kamps at
Please indicate which workshop(s) you would like to attend on Friday.
First Workshop on Topics of the Roadmap
Antwerp, 21/22 April 2006
Friday April 21
--Parallel Session 1: Bio-inspired and evolvable hardware--
Location: Campus Universiteit Antwerpen, Room K101, Kleine Kauwenberg,
9.30 -10.00 Welcome and registration
10.00 - 10.45 Tetsuya Higuchi (AIST, Japan)
The potential of evolvable hardware for semiconductor engineering
10.45 - 11.15 Break
11.15 - 12.00 Pauline Haddow (NTNU, Norway)
Development and hardware design
12.00 - 12.30 Andy Tyrrell (University of York, UK)
Fault-tolerance and Evolvable Hardware
12.30 - 1.30 Lunch
1.30 - 2.15 Gianluca Tempesti (EPFL Switzerland)
Bio-inspired processing in molecular-scale devices
2.15 - 3.00 Jim Torresen (University of Oslo, Norway)
Evolvable Hardware Supplementing the Hardware Designer
3.00 - 3.30 Break
3.30 - 4.15 Adrian Stoica, D. Keymeulen, R. Zebulum, R. Rajeshani, V.
Lacayo, J. Neff, B. Meadows and S. Graves (NASA JPL, USA)
Evolvable Hardware for extreme temperature and radiation environments
4.15 - 5.15 Wrap-up session
5.15 Finish
'--Parallel Session 2: Brain-Machine interfacing--
Location: Campus Universiteit Antwerpen, Room K102, Kleine Kauwenberg,
Erik De Schutter (University of Antwerp, Belgium):
Introduction and some reflections on BMI as an experimental paradigm
Ad Aertsen (Bernstein Center, University of Freiburg, Germany):
Inference of hand movements from population activity in monkey and human
sensorimotor cortex
Silvestro Micera and Paolo Dario (ARTS and CRIM Labs, Scuola Superiore
Peripheral neural interfaces for the control of cybernetic hands: current
activities and future perspectives
Miguel Nicolelis (Duke University, USA and Brain Mind Institute, Lausanne,
Exploring the future of neuroprosthetic research
Eilon Vaadia (Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel):
On the yellow brick road towards neural prosthesis: New neuronal
representations in motor cortical fields evolve during learning
--Parallel Session 3: Peripheral Processing--
Location: Campus Universiteit Antwerpen, Room K103, Kleine Kauwenberg,
Morning: (10.00-10.30) George Jeronimidis (Reading University) and Herbert
Peremans (Universiteit Antwerpen):
(10.30-11.30) Stefaan Peeters and Filiep Vanpoucke (Universiteit Antwerpen):
Cochlear electrode stimulating neurons
(11.30-12.30) Gijs Krijnen (Universiteit Twente):
MEMS arrays of hairs
Afternoon: (13.30-14.30) Joachim Mogdans (Universität Bonn):
Neural representation of hydrodynamic stimuli by the fish lateral line
(14.30-15.30) Leo van Hemmen (Technische Universität München):
Estimating position and velocity of a submerged moving object by the clawed
frog Xenopus and by fish
Coffe Break
(16.00-17.00) Annemie Van Der Linden (Universiteit Antwerpen):
In vivo high resolution MRI: an excellent tool for neurological research in
small animals
(17.00-18.00) Heike Scheuerpflug (European Research and Project Office):
Intellectual Property Rights and EU projects
-----Saturday April 22-------
Campus Universiteit Antwerpen, Room R007, Rodestraat, 14, Antwerpen, Belgium
9.00-9.15 FET:
Comments on FP7
9.30 - 10.15 Tetsuya Higuchi:
Evolvable Hardware and its industrial applications
10.15 - 11.00 Adrian Stoica:
Evolvable Hardware: lessons learned, challenges ahead
11.00 - 11.30 Coffee
11.30 - 12.15 Leo van Hemmen:
Mechanosensory Localization: What Owls, Frogs, and Scorpions Have in Common
12.15 - 13.00 Giacomo Indiveri:
Neuromorphic Address-Event Systems: Computing with spikes, in Silicon
13.00 - 13.30 Lunch
13.30 - 14.15 Miguel Nicolelis:
Computing with Neural Ensembles
14.15 - 14.16 Closure
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