Connectionists: PhD Student Position-Group for Neural Theory in Paris
deneve at
Thu Apr 13 13:06:11 EDT 2006
A PhD student position is available in the Group for Neural Theory in
Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris, for a project funded by a Marie Curie Team
of Excellence grant.
The overall theme of the project is "Bayesian inference and neural
dynamics", and the research will involve building and analyzing
probabilistic treatments of representation, inference and learning in
biophysical models of cortical neuron and circuits.
The faculty of this group includes Misha Tsodyks, Boris Gutkin, Sophie
Deneve and Rava Da Silvera. It is part of the Department of Cognitive
Science in Ecole Normale Supérieure, a unique teaching and research
institution regrouping major scientists in computational Neuroscience,
Brain imaging, Psychology, Philosophy, and Mathematics. We are situated in
central Paris, at a walking distance to top scientific research and
educational institutions. There will be ample opportunities to follow
graduate classes in the field of Theoretical Neuroscience.
The position is for three years duration, starting in September 2006. It
has an attractive salary, including mobility allowance if applicable.
Generous travel support will be provided. Candidates should have
1- A strong background in mathematics or physics and strong interest for
Neuroscience. Or
2- A strong neuroscience background and good basis in math and/or
3- Demonstrable interest in experimental collaborations.
4- Good communication skills.
Candidates should send a CV, a 1 page research project and the address of
two referees to Sophie Deneve (Sophie.Deneve at and Boris Gutkin
(Boris.Gutkin at
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