NIPS & double blind reviewing

John Lazzaro lazzaro at CS.Berkeley.EDU
Tue Dec 17 14:30:03 EST 2002

> Neil Lawrence <neil at> writes:
> If there is a strong counter argument to the implementation of these
> procedures I would like to hear it.

Well, I get asked to do implementation reviews for NIPS from time to
time. Let's say I get a double-blind paper for organic transistor
implementations of neural networks. And I look at the data and the
text, and it seems high quality, so I give it a high score.

The paper gets in, the double-blind is removed, and I find out Jan
Hendrik Schon wrote the paper:

Do I need to say more? 

John Lazzaro -- Research Specialist -- CS Division -- EECS -- UC Berkeley
lazzaro [at] cs [dot] berkeley [dot] edu

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