Call for Paper PAA Journal
espaa at
Wed Jan 21 07:10:08 EST 1998
Springer-Verlag Limited
Springer Verlag Ltd is launching a new journal - Pattern Analysis and
Applications (PAA) - in Spring 1998. Original Papers are now invited
for the journal covering the following areas of interest:
Aims and Scope of PAA:
The journal publishes high quality articles in areas
of fundamental research in pattern analysis and applications. It
aims to provide a forum for original research which describes
novel pattern analysis techniques and industrial applications of
the current technology. The main aim of the journal is to publish
high quality research in intelligent pattern analysis in computer
science and engineering. In addition, the journal will also
publish articles on pattern analysis applications in medical
imaging. The journal solicits articles that detail new technology
and methods for pattern recognition and analysis in applied
domains including, but not limited to, computer vision and image
processing, speech analysis, robotics, multimedia, document
analysis, character recognition, knowledge engineering for
pattern recognition, fractal analysis, and intelligent control.
The journal publishes articles on the use of advanced pattern
recognition and analysis methods including statistical
techniques, neural networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy pattern
recognition, machine learning, and hardware implementations which
are either relevant to the development of pattern analysis as a
research area or detail novel pattern analysis applications.
Papers proposing new classifier systems or their development,
pattern analysis systems for real-time applications, fuzzy and
temporal pattern recognition and uncertainty management in
applied pattern recognition are particularly solicited.
The journal encourages the submission of original case-studies on
applied pattern recognition which describe important research in
the area. The journal also solicits reviews on novel pattern
analysis benchmarks, evaluation of pattern analysis tools, and
important research activities at international centres of
excellence working in pattern analysis.
Researchers in computer science and engineering. Research and
Development Personnel in industry. Researchers/ applications
where pattern analysis is used, researchers in the area of novel
pattern recognition and analysis techniques and their specific
Editorial Board:
Sukhan Lee University of Southern California, USA
Eric Saund Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, USA
Narendra Ahuja University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign, USA
Andras Lorincz University of Szeged, Hungary
William Freeman Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab., USA
Jianchang Mao IBM, USA
Xuedong Huang Microsoft Corporation, USA
Haruo Asada Toshiba Corporation, Japan
Jim Keller University of Missouri-Columbia, USA
Kurt Hornik Technical University of Vienna, Austria
K K Biswas Indian Institute of Technology India
Frederick Jelinek John Hopkins University, USA
Adnan Amin University of New South Wales, Australia
Jussi Parkkinen Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
Hans Guesgen University of Aukland, New Zealand
Gregory Hager Yale University, USA
Gerhard Ritter University of Florida, USA
Gabor Herman University of Pennsylvania, USA
Ravi Kothari University of Cincinnati, USA
Tan Chew Lim National University of Singapore, Singapore
Horst Bischof Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Larry Spitz Daimler-Benz Research & Tech., USA
Torfinn Taxt University of Bergen, Norway
Ching Y Suen Concordia University, Canada
Terry Caelli Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Eric Ristad Princeton University, USA
Andreas Dengel German Research Centre for AI GmbH, Germany
Henri Prade Universite Paul Sabatier, France
Alexander Franz Sony Computer Science Lab Technology, Japan
Dan Adam Technion-Israel Inst. of Technology, Israel
John MacIntyre University of Sunderland, UK
Robert Duin Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Hsi-Jian Lee National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Steven Salzberg John Hopkins University, USA
Ruggero Milanese University of Geneva, Switzerland
Masayuki Nakajima Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Melanie Mitchell Santa Fe Institute, USA
Madan Singh UMIST, UK
James Duncan Yale University, USA
Sanjoy Mitter MIT, USA
Mari Ostendorf Boston University, USA
Steve Young University of Cambridge, UK
Alan Bovik University of Texas at Austin, USA
Michael Brady University of Oxford, UK
Simon Kasif University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
David G Stork RICOH Silicon Valley, USA
Send your submissions to:
Sameer Singh
Editor-in-Chief, Pattern Analysis and Applications
School of Computing
University of Plymouth
Plymouth PL4 8AA
Full information about the journal and detailed instructions for Call
for Papers can be found at the PAA web site.
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