Interpretation and Optimization of Neural Systems

Wolfgang Eppler eppler at
Wed Jan 21 08:54:59 EST 1998

Call for Papers

Invited Session "Interpretation and Optimization of Neural Systems"
at EUFIT '98, Aachen, Germany, September 7 - 10, 1998

Neural networks are known to be black boxes. Their internal structure is
determined by training algorithms that do not care about human
comprehension. Some of the neural networks can be analyzed in an easy
way, e.g. self-organized feature maps with their weights being prototype
vectors in the input space or radial basis function networks with their
weights and biases being centers and variances of gaussian regions. But
even with multi-layer perceptrons there exist methods to understand
better the interior of a network. Some approaches use Fuzzy rules or
other symbolic methods, others use geometrical interpretations. The
analyzing capability is an important feature for using neural networks
in domains with high security requirements. The unknown response of a
network to extreme values and badly testable input spaces are the reason
for the necessity of such analyzing and manipulation tools. The
manipulation of a network after training may help to optimize the
generalization capability of the solution found. Genetic algorithms and
graphical approaches are examples to achieve these objectives. 

The invited session cares about the different optimization and
interpretation techniques. Both new theoretical methods and
demonstration of tools are wellcome.

Deadline for abstract:                  February 1, 1998
Deadline for camera ready paper: 	March 31, 1998

Address:                                Prof. Dr. H. Gemmeke
                                        Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, FZK
                                        (Research Centre Karlsruhe)
                                        POB 3640
                                        76021 Karlsruhe

or                                      Fax:    ++49 7247 82 3560
                                        Tel:    ++49 7247 82 5537

or                                      email:  eppler at

Please contact:

Wolfgang Eppler,                        Tel: ++49 7247 82 5537, email:
eppler at
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Gemmeke,              Tel: ++49 7247 82 5635, email:
gemmeke at

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