abstracts of NIPS cerebellar workshop available

Patrick van der Smagt smagt at dlr.de
Tue Jan 20 05:43:59 EST 1998

Abstracts of the NIPS*97 workshop "Can Artificial Cerebellar Models
Compete to Control Robots?" can now be downloaded from the Web at

The bibliographical information:
	P. van der Smagt and D. Bullock (editors), 1997
	Extended Abstracts of the NIPS*97 Workshop
	  `Can Artificial Cerebellar Models Compete to Control Robots?'
	DLR Technical Report # 515-97-28
	(38 pages)


* Patrick van  der Smagt, "Dynamic control in new robot structures: Can
we learn nonlinear functions of high dimensionality?"
* Daniel Bullock, "Cerebellar learning for context sensitive and
critically timed coordination of multiple action channels"
* Gordon Kraft, "Optimized Weight Smoothing for CMAC Neural Networks"
* Jose Contreras-Vidal and Juan Lopez-Coronado, "Adaptive Cerebellar
Control of Opponent Muscles"
* Mitsuo Kawato, "Multiple Internal Models in the Cerebellum"
* Andrew Fagg, Leo Zelevinsky, Andrew Barto, and James Houk, "Using
Crude Corrective Movements to Learn Accurate Motor Programs for
* Mark E. Nelson, "Adaptive Motor Control Without a Cerebellum"
* Jacob Spoelstra, Michael Arbib, and Nicolas Schweighofer, "Cerebellar
control of a simulated biomimetic manipulator for fast movements"
* Marwan Jabri, Olivier Coenen, Jerry Huang, and Terrence Sejnowski,
"Sensorimotor integration and control"

Patrick van der Smagt
dr Patrick van der Smagt                        phone +49 8153 281152
DLR/Institute of Robotics and System Dynamics     fax +49 8153 281134
P.O. Box 1116, 82230 Wessling, Germany           email <smagt at dlr.de>

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