IEEE NNC Homepage - Call for Submissions

Payman Arabshahi payman at
Sun Feb 11 17:48:03 EST 1996

The IEEE Neural Network Council's Homepage (
is seeking information about Computational Intelligence Research
Programs Worldwide, both in academia and industry. If you know of
a relevant research group's homepage or would like a link to your
homepage from the IEEE NNC research page, please let me know. At
present we maintain links to some 64 Neural Computing Programs, and
are especially seeking information on programs in Canada, Central
and South America, Asia and the Middle East, Eastern Europe, the 
former Soviet Union, and Africa.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Payman Arabshahi                           Tel  : (205) 895-6380
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Eng.        Fax  : (205) 895-6803
University of Alabama in Huntsville        payman at
Huntsville, AL 35899             

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