undergrad summer research program

Dave_Touretzky@DST.BOLTZ.CS.CMU.EDU Dave_Touretzky at DST.BOLTZ.CS.CMU.EDU
Fri Feb 9 23:35:22 EST 1996

    NPC (Neural Processes in Cognition) Undergraduate Summer Program 
The Neural Processes in Cognition Training Program at the University of
Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University has several positions available
for undergraduates interested in studying cognitive or computational
neuroscience.  These are growing interdisciplinary areas of study (see
Science, 1993, v. 261, pp 1805-7) that interpret cognitive functions in
terms of neuroanatomical and neurophysiological data and computer
simulations.  Undergraduate students participating in the summer program
will have the opportunity to spend ten weeks of intensive involvement in
laboratory research supervised by one of the program's faculty.  The summer
program also includes weekly journal clubs and a series of informal

Students selected for the program will receive a $2500 stipend.  The
program is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and by
the joint CMU/University of Pittsburgh Center for the Neural Basis of
Cognition.  Each student's research program will be determined in
consultation with the training program's Director.  Potential laboratory
environments include single unit recording, neuroanatomy, computer
simulation of biological and cognitive effects, robot control,
neuropsychological assessment, behavioral assessment, and brain imaging.

How to Apply to the NPC Undergraduate Summer Program:

Applications are encouraged from highly motivated undergraduate students
with interests in biology, psychology, engineering, physics, mathematics or
computer science.  Application deadline is March 15, 1996.  To apply,
request application materials by email at neurocog at vms.cis.pitt.edu, phone
412-624-7064, or write to the address below.  The materials include a
listing of faculty research areas to consider.  Applicants are asked to
supply a statement of their research interests, a recent school transcript,
one faculty letter of recommendation, and a selection of one or two
research areas which they would like to explore.  Applicants are strongly
encouraged to identify a particular faculty member with whom they want to
work.  Send requests and application materials to:

Professor Walter Schneider, Program Director 
   University of Pittsburgh
   Neural Processes in Cognition Program
   3939 O'Hara Street 
   Pittsburgh, PA 15260
   Email: neurocog at vms.cis.pitt.edu

Note: the Neural Processes in Cognition program also offers pre- and
post-doctoral training.  To find out more about the program or the Center
for the Neural Basis of Cognition, visit our web sites:


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