ACNN'96 registration information

Tony BURKITT tony at
Mon Feb 12 22:30:29 EST 1996



                   NEURAL NETWORKS

               10th - 12th APRIL 1996

             Australian National University
                  Canberra, Australia


To receive a 20% discount for registration at ACNN'96, you must
post a registration form before Friday, February 16th.


The seventh Australian conference on neural networks will be held
in Canberra on April 10th - 12th 1996 at the Australian National
University.  ACNN'96 is the annual national meeting of the Australian
neural network community. It is a multi-disciplinary meeting, with
contributions from Neuroscientists, Engineers, Computer Scientists,
Mathematicians, Physicists and Psychologists.  The program will
include keynote talks, lecture presentations and poster sessions.
Proceedings will be printed and distributed to the attendees.

Invited Keynote Speakers

ACNN'96 will feature two keynote speakers:
Professor Wolfgang Maass, Institute for Theoretical Computer Science,
  Technical University Graz, "Networks of spiking neurons: The third
  generation of neural network models," and
Professor Steve Redman, John Curtin School of Medical Research,
  Australian National University, "Modelling versus measuring: a
  perspective on computational neuroscience."

Pre-Conference Workshops

There will be two Pre-Conference Workshops on Tuesday 9th April:

Memory, time, change and structure in ANNs: Distilling cognitive
models into their functional components
  Convenors: Janet Wiles and J. Devin McAuley, Depts of
  Computer Science and Psychology, University of Queensland
  janet at            devin at

  The workshop aim is to identify the functional roles of artificial
  neural network (ANN) components and to understand how they combine
  to explain cognitive phenomena. Existing ANN models will be
  distilled into their functional components through case study
  analysis, targeting three traditional strengths of ANNs - mechanisms
  for memory, time and change; and one area of weakness - mechanisms
  for structure.

Neural Networks in the Australian Public Service
  Convenor: Andrew Freeman
  phone: (06) 264 3698  fax: (06) 264 4717  afreeman at

  This workshop will provide a venue for an informal exchange of views
  and experiences between researchers, users, and suppliers of neural
  technologies for forms processing in the Australian Public Service.

Special Poster Session

ACNN'96 will include a special poster session devoted to recent work and
work-in-progress. Abstracts are solicited for this session (1 page limit),
and may be submitted up to one week before the commencement of the
conference. They will not be refereed or included in the proceedings, but
will be distributed to attendees upon arrival. Students are especially
encouraged to submit abstracts for this session.


Huxley Lecture Theatre, Leonard Huxley Building, Mills Road, 
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

Further Information

For more information on the conference (including the list of
accepted papers, pointers to information on pre-conference workshops
and tutorials, registration and accomodation information, and the
registration form), see the ACNN96 web page:

or contact:

    ACNN'96 Secretariat
    Department of Engineering 
    Australian National University
    Canberra, ACT 0200

Phone:         +61 6 249 5645
ftp site:
email:         acnn96 at


               Seventh Australian Conference on Neural Networks

                             Registration Form

Title & Name: ___________________________________________________________

Organisation: ___________________________________________________________

Department: _____________________________________________________________
Occupation: _____________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
State: ____________________ Post Code: _____________ Country: ___________

Tel: (    ) __________________________	Fax: (    ) _____________________
E-mail: _________________________________________________________________

[ ]	Find enclosed a cheque for the sum of @: ______________________

[ ]	Charge my credit card for the sum of # :________________________

	Mastercard/Visa/Bankcard# Number : _____________________________

	Valid until: ________ Signature: __________________ Date: ______ 


To register, please fill in this form and return it together with payment to :

        ACNN'96 Secretariat
        L. P. O. Box 228
        Australian National University
        Canberra, ACT 2601


     @  Registration fees:  Before 16 Feb 96        After 16 Feb 96

        Full Time Students      A$ 96.00               A$120.00
        Academics               A$208.00               A$260.00
        Other                   A$304.00               A$380.00

     #	Please encircle type of card


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