PhD research position in Cogn Psy/Comput Linguistics at Tilburg
Jean Vroomen
J.Vroomen at
Tue Dec 6 12:58:06 EST 1994
Predoctoral research associate position in
cognitive psychology/computational linguistics
(Ph.D position, 4 year contract)
Tilburg University
A predoctoral position in cognitive psychology/computational
linguistics is available immediately at Tilburg University. The
focus of research will be on the development of a text-to-speech
conversion system with special emphasis on modelling reading ac-
quisition and developmental dyslexia. The development of the model
and the simulations will be conducted together with behavioral
In the project, a strong cross-linguistic approach is taken.
Comparative models will be built for English, French, and Dutch. This
approach furthermore includes the development of a computational
measure of the complexity of these writing systems (`orthographic
Candidates with training in cognitive psychology, cognitive neurop-
sychology combined with computational (connectionist) modelling are
Applicants should send a curriculum vitea and a brief description
of fields of interest to:
Professor Beatrice de Gelder
Department of Psychology
Tilburg University
Warandelaan, 2
PO Box 90153
5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands
email: b.degelder at
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