WCNN'95 Call for Papers & Meeting Info

Michael Cohen mike at PARK.BU.EDU
Tue Dec 6 20:51:49 EST 1994

				  July 17-21, 1995

Registration Fees:
Category		Pre-registration	Pre-registration	On-Site
			prior to		prior to		
			February 10, 1995	June 16, 1995

INNS Member		$170.00			$250.00			$350.00
Non-member**		$270.00			$380.00			$480.00
Student***		$ 85.00			$110.00			$135.00

**Registration fee includes 1995 membership and a one (1) year subscription to 
the Journal Neural Networks.
***Student registration must be accompanied by a letter of verification from 
department chairperson.  Any student registration received with no 
verification letter will be processed at the higher member or non-member fee,  
depending on current membership status.  Copies of student identification cards 
are NOT acceptable.  This also applies to on-site registration.

John G. Taylor, General Chair
Walter J. Freeman
Harold Szu
Rolf Eckmiller
Shun-ichi Amari
David Casasent

President:  Walter J. Freeman		Shun-ichi Amari
President-Elect:  John G. Taylor	James A. Anderson
Past President:  Harold Szu		Andrew Barto
Secretary:  Gail Carpenter		David Casasent
Treasurer:  Judith Dayhoff		Leon Cooper
Executive Director:  R. K. Talley	Rolf Eckmiller
					Kunihiko Fukushima
					Stephen Grossberg
					Mitsuo Kawato
					Christof Koch
					Bart Kosko
					Christoph von der Mallsburg
					Alianna Maren
					Paul Werbos
					Bernard Widrow
					Lotfi A. Zadeh

Shun-ichi Amari				James A. Anderson
Etienne Barnard				Andrew R. Barron
Andrew Barto				Theodore Berger
Artie Briggs				Gail Carpenter
David Casasent				Leon Cooper
Judith Dayhoff				Rolf Eckmiller
Jeff Elman				Terrence L. Fine
Francoise Fogelman-Soulie		Walter J. Freeman
Kunihiko Fukushima			Patric Gallinari
Apostolos Georgopoulos			Stephen Grossberg
John B. Hampshire II			Michael Hasselmo
Robert Hecht-Nielsen			Akira Iwata
Jari Kangas				Bert Kappen
Christof Koch				Teuvo Kohonen
Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado			Clifford Lau
Sam Levin				Daniel S. Levine
William B. Levy				Christof von der Malsburg
Alianna Maren				Lina Massone
Lance Optican				Paul Refenes
Jeffrey Sutton				Harold Szu
John G. Taylor				Brian Telfer
Andreas Weigand				Paul Werbos
Hal White				Bernard Widrow
Daniel Wolpert				Kenji Yamanishi
Mona E. Zaghloul

PAPERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY FEBRUARY 10, 1995.  Authors must submit 
registration payment with papers to be eligible for the early 
registration fee.  A $35 per paper processing fee must be enclosed 
in order for the paper to be refereed.  Please make checks payable 
to INNS and include with submitted paper.  For review purposes, 
please submit six (6) copies (1 original, 5 copies) plus 3 1/2" disk 
(see instructions below), four page limit, in English.  $20 per page 
for papers exceeding (4) pages (do not number pages).  Checks for 
over length charges should be made out to INNS and must be included 
with submitted Paper.  Papers must be on 8 1/2" x 11" white paper 
with 1" margins on all sides, one column format, single spaced, in 
Times or similar type style of 10 points or larger, one side of paper 
only.  FAX's not acceptable.  Centered at the top of first page 
should be complete title, author name(s), affiliation(s), and mailing 
address(es), followed by blank space, abstract (up to 15 lines), and
text.  The following information MUST be included in an accompanying 
cover letter in order for the paper to be reviewed:  Full title of 
paper, corresponding author and presenting author name, address, 
telephone and fax numbers.  Technical Session (see session topics) 
1st and 2nd choices, oral or poster presentation preferred*, 
audio-visual requirements (for oral presentations only).  Papers 
submitted which do not meet these requirements or for which 
insufficient funds are submitted will be returned.

For the first time, the proceedings of the 1995 World Congress on 
Neural Networks will be distributed on CD-ROM.  The CD-ROM Proceedings 
are included in your registration fee.  Please note that the 4 volume 
book of proceedings will not be printed.  Format of 3 1/2" disk for 
CD-ROM:  Once paper is proofed, completed and printed for review, 
reformat the paper in Landscape format, page size 8" x 5" for CD.  
You may include a separate file with 1 paragraph biographical 
information with your name, company, address and telephone number.  
Presenters should submit their papers in one of the following 
Macintosh or Microsoft Windows formats:  Microsoft Word, 
WordPerfect, FrameMaker, Quark or Quark Professional, PageMaker,
Persuasion, ASCII, PowerPoint, Adobe.PDF, Postscript (text, not 
EPS).  Images can be submitted in TIF or PCX format.  If submitting 
in Macintosh format, you should submit a disk containing a Font 
Suitcase of fonts used in your presentationn to ensure proper match 
or enclose a cover letter with paper indicating a list of fonts 
used in your presentation.  Information published on the CD will 
consist of text, in-line and offset mathematical equations,
black and white images, line art and graphics.  By submitting a 
previously unpublished paper, author agrees to the transfer of the
copyright to INNS for the conference proceedings.  All submitted 
papers become the property of INNS.  Papers and disk to be sent to:

WCNN'95, 875 Kings Highway, Suite 200, Woodbury, NJ 08096-3172 USA.

*When to choose a poster presentation:  more than 15 minutes are 
needed; author does not wish to run concurrently with an invited
talk; work is a continuation of previous publication; author seeks 
a lively discussion opportunity or to solicit future collaboration.

Daniel L. Alkon, U.S. National Institutes of Health
Shun-ichi Amari, University of Tokyo
Gail Carpenter, Boston University
Walter J. Freeman, University of California, Berkeley
Teuvo Kohonen, Helsinki University of Technology
Harold Szu, Naval Surface Warfare Center
John G. Taylor, King's College London

1.	Biological Vision:  Rolf Eckmiller
2.	Machine Vision:  Kunihiko Fukushima, Robert Hecht-Nielsen
3.	Speech and Language:  Jeff Elman
4.	Biological Sensory-Motor Control:  Andrew Barto, Lina Massone
5.	Neurocontrol and Robotics:  Paul Werbos
6.	Supervised Learning:  Andrew R. Barron, Terrence L. Fine
7.	Unsupervised Learning:  Teuvo Kohonen, Francoise Fogelman-Soulie
8.	Pattern Recognition:  David Casasent, Brian Telfer
9.	Prediction and System Identification:  John G. Taylor, Paul Werbos
10.	Cognitive Neuroscience:  James Anderson, Jeffrey Sutton
11.	Links to Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligence:  Alianna 
12.	Signal Processing:  Bernard Widrow
13.	Neurodynamics and Chaos:  Harold Szu,  Mona E. Zaghloul
14.	Hardware Implementation:  Clifford Lau
15.	Associative Memory:  Christoph von der Malsburg
16.	Applications:  Leon Cooper
17.	Circuits and Systems Neuroscience:  Stephen Grossberg, Lance 
18.	Mathematical Foundations:  Shun-ichi Amari, D.S. Levine
19.	Evolutionary Computing, Genetic Algorithms:  Judith Dayhoff

a.	Pattern Recognition and Neural Nets:  David Casasent, Carnegie 
	Mellon University
b.	Modelling Consciousness:  John G. Taylor, King's College London
c.	Neocognitron and the Selective Attention Model:  Kunihiko 
	Fukushima, Osaka University
d.	What are the Differences & the Similarities Among Fuzzy, Neural,
	& Chaotic Systems:  Takeshi Yamakawa, Kyushu Institute of
e.	Image Processing & Pattern Recognition by Self-Organizing Neural 
	Networks:  Stephen Grossberg, Boston University
f.	Dynamic Neural Networks:  Signal Processing & Coding:  Judith 
	Dayhoff, University of Maryland
g.	Language and Speech Processing:  Jeff Elman, University of 
	California-San Diego
h.	Introduction to Statistical Theory of Neural Networks:  Shun-ichi 
	Amari, University of Tokyo
i.	Cognitive Network Computation:  James Anderson, Brown University
j.	Biology-Inspired Neural Networks:  From Brain Research to 
	Applications in Technology & Medicine:  Rolf Eckmiller, 
	University of Dusseldorf
k.	Neural Control Systems:  Bernard Widrow, Stanford University
l.	Neural Networks to Advance Intelligent Systems:  Alianna Maren, 
	Accurate Automation Corporation
m.	Reinforcement Learning:  Andrew G. Barto, University of 
n.	Advanced Supervised-Learning Algorithms and Applications:  
	Francoise Fogelman-Soulie, SLIGOS
o.	Neural Network & Statistical Methods for Function Estimation:  
	Vladimir Cherkassky, University of Minnesota
p.	Adaptive Resonance Theory:  Gail A. Carpenter, Boston University
q.	What Have We Learned from Experiences of Real World Applications 
	in NN/FS/GA?:  Hideyuki Takagi, Matsushita Elctrical Industrial Co., Ltd.
r.	Fuzzy Function Approximation:  Julie A. Dickerson, University of 
	Southern Califorrnia
s.	Fuzzy Logic and Calculi of Fuzzy Rules and Fuzzy Graphs:  Lofti 
	A. Zadeh, University of California-Berkeley
t.	Overview of Neuroengineering and Supervised Learning:  Paul 
	Werbos, National Science Foundation

Monday, July 17, 1995
Enterprise Session:
Chair:	Robert Hecht-Nielsen, HNC, Inc.
Industrial Session:
Chair:	Takeshi Yamakawa, Kyushu Institute of Technology

Tuesday, July 18, 1995
Wednesday, July 19, 1995
Co-Chairs:	Bart Kosko, University of Southern California
		Ronald R. Yager, Iona College

Neural Network Applications in the Electrical Utility Industry
Biomedical Applications & Imaging/Computer Aided Diagnosis in 
Medical Imaging
Statistics and Neural Networks
Dynamical Systems in Financial Engineering
Mind, Brain and Consciousness
Physics and Neural Networks
Biological Neural Networks

To obtain additional information (complete registration brochure, 
registration and hotel forms) contact WCNN'95, 875 Kings Highway,
Suite 200, Woodbury, New Jersey 08096-3172 USA, Tele:  (609)845-
1720; Fax:  (609)853-0411; e-mail:  74577.504 at compuserve.com

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