call for papers
Sun Dec 13 05:57:02 EST 1992
25-27 October 1993, Venice, Italy
Sponsored by the EUROMICRO Association.
In cooperation with IEEE Computer Society (pending),
IFIP WG 10.5, AEI, AICA (pending).
................:::::: CALL FOR PAPERS ::::::.................
ASAP'93 is an international conference encompassing the theory,
design, implementation, and evaluations of application-specific
computing. This conference is a successor to the First
International Workshop on Systolic Arrays held in Oxford,
England, in July 1986. The title has been modified to reflect the
expanded interest in highly-parallel algorithmically-specialized
processors as well as the application-driven nature of
contemporary systems.
Since application-specific array-processor research represents a
cross-disciplinary field of interest to a broad audience, this
conference will present a balanced program covering technical
subjects encompassing conceptual design, programming techniques,
electronic and optical implementations, and analysis and
evaluation of final systems. It is expected that participants
will include people from research institutions in government,
industry, and academia around the world.
The conference will feature an opening keynote address, technical
presentations, a panel discussion, and poster displays. One of
the poster sessions will be reserved for very recent results,
ongoing projects and exploratory work. The official language is
The themes emphasized at this conference include architectures,
algorithms, applications, hardware, software, and design
methodology for application-specific parallel computing systems.
Papers are expected to address both theoretical and practical
aspects of such systems. Of particular interest are contributions
that achieve large performance gains with application-specific
parallel processors, introduce novel architectural concepts,
propose formal and practical frameworks for the specification,
design and evaluation of these systems, discuss technology
dependencies and the integration of hardware and software
components, and describe fabricated systems and their testing.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the
Application-Specific Architectures
- systolic, SIMD, MIMD, dataflow systems
- homogeneous, heterogeneous, reconfigurable systems
- intelligent memory systems and interconnection network
- embedded systems and interfaces
Algorithms for Application-Specific Computing
- matrix operations
- transformations (e.g., FFT, Hough)
- sorting algorithms
- graph algorithms
Applications that Require Specialized Computing Systems
- signal processing
- image processing and vision
- communications
- robotics and manufacturing
- neural networks
- scientific computing
- artificial intelligence and data bases
Software for Application-Specific Computing
- languages
- operating systems
- optimizing compilers
Hardware for Application-Specific Computing
- VLSI/WSI systems
- optical systems
- custom and commercial processors
- implementation and testing issues
- fabricated systems
- synchronous vs asynchronous systems
Design Methodology for Application-Specific Systems
- mapping algorithms onto architectures
- partitioning large problems
- design tools
- fault tolerance (hardware and software)
- benchmarks and performance modeling
Authors are invited to send a one-page abstract, the title of the
paper and the author's address by electronic or postal mail to
the Program Chair by MARCH 27, 1993.
Authors must submit five copies of their double-spaced typed
manuscript (maximum 5000 words) with an abstract to the Program
Chair by APRIL 16, 1993. In the submission letter, the authors
should indicate which conference areas are most relevant to the
paper, and the author responsible for correspondence and the
camera-ready version. Papers submitted should be unpublished and
not currently under review by other conferences.
Notification of acceptance will be posted by JUNE 10, 1993.
The camera-ready version must arrive by AUGUST 1, 1993.
Proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press.
Prof. Luigi DADDA
Dept. of Electronics and Information, Politecnico di Milano L. da Vinci 32, I-20133 Milano, Italy
phone no. (39-2) 2399-3405, fax no. (39-2) 2399-3411
e-mail dadda at
Prof. Benjamin W. WAH
Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois
1308 West Main Street, Urbana, IL 61801, USA
phone no. (217) 333-3516, fax no. (217) 244-7175
e-mail wah at
Prof. Vincenzo PIURI
Dept. of Electronics and Information, Politecnico di Milano L. da Vinci 32, I-20133 Milano, Italy
phone no. (39-2) 2399-3606, fax no. (39-2) 2399-3411
e-mail piuri at
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