CFP: Intl. Conf. on Tools for AI
Cris Koutsougeras
ck at
Mon Dec 14 13:32:34 EST 1992
5th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence
November 8-11, 1993
Boston, Massachusetts
This conference encompasses the technical aspects of specifying,
designing, implementing and evaluating computer tools which use
artificial intelligence techniques as well as tools for artificial
intelligence applications. The topics of interest include the
following aspects:
o Machine learning, Theory and Algorithms
o AI and Software Engineering
o Intelligent Multimedia Systems
o AI Knowledge Base Architecture
o AI Algorithms
o AI Language Tools
o Reasoning Under Uncertainty, Fuzzy Logic
o Logic and Intelligent Databases
o Expert Systems and Environments
o Artificial Neural Networks
o Parallel Processing and Hardware Support
o AI and Object-Oriented Systems
o AI Applications
Authors are requested to submit five copies (in English) of their
doubled-spaced typed manuscript (maximum of 25 pages) with an
abstract to the program chair by April 15, 1993. The conference
language is English and the final papers are restricted seven
IEEE model pages. A submission letter that indicates which of
the conference areas is most relevant to your paper and
the postal address, electronic mail address, telephone number,
and fax number(if available) of the contact author must
accompany the paper. Authors will be notified of acceptance
by July 15, 1993 and will be given instructions for final
preparation of their papers at than time. Outstanding papers
will be eligible for publication in the International Journal
on Artificial Intelligence Tools.
Submit papers and panel proposals by April 15, 1993 to:
Jeffrey J.P. Tsai
Dept. of EECS (M/C 154) (312)996-9324 (office)
P.O. Box 4348 (312)996-3422 (secretary)
University of Illinois (312)413-0024 (fax)
Chicago, IL 60680 tsai at
An internet computer account is maintained to provide periodically
updated information regarding the conference. Send a message to
"tai at" to obtain the latest information including:
registration forms, advanced program, tutorials, hotel info, etc.
For more information please contact:
Conference Chair Steering Committee Chair
John Mylopoulos Nikolaos G. Bourbakis
Dept. of Computer Science Dept. of Electrical Engineering
University of Toronto SUNY at Binghamton
6 King's College Road Binghamton, NY 13902
Toronto, Ontario Tel: (607)777-2165
Canada M5S 1A4
Tel: (416)978-5180
jm at
Program Vice-Chairs
Machine Learning
Bernard Silver
AI and Software Engineering
Matthias Jarke
Technical University of Aachen
Logic and Intelligent Database
Clement Yu
University of Illinois at Chicago
AI Knowledge Base Architectures
Robert Reynolds
Wayne State University
Intelligent Multimedia Systems
Forouzan Golshani
Arizona State University
Artificial Neural Networks
Ruediger W. Brause
J.W.Goethe University
Parallel Processing and Hardware Support
Ted Lewis
Oregon State University
AI Applications
Kiyoh Nakamura
Fujitsu Limited
Expert Systems and Environments
Philip Sheu
Rutgers University
Natural Language Processing
Fernando Gomez
Florida Central University
AI Algorithms
Jun Gu
University of Calgary
AI and Object-Oriented Systems
Mamdouh H. Ibrahim
EDS Corporation
Reasoning under Uncertainty, Fuzzy Logic
John Yen
Texas A&M University
Registration and Publication Chair
Tulane University
Publicity Chairs
Mark Perlin
Carnegie Mellon University
A. Delis
University of Maryland
E. Kounalis
University de NICE
Mikio Aoyama
Fujitsu Limited
J.Y. Juang
National Taiwan University
Local Arrangement Chairs
John Vittall, GTE Lab
M.Mortazavi, SUNY Binghamton
Steering Committee
Nikolaos G. Bourbakis
C.V. Ramamoorthy
University of California-Berkeley
Harry E. Stephanou
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Wei-Tek Tsai
University of Minnesota
Benjamin. W. Wah
University of Illinois-Urbana
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