Conf. on VISION & 3-D REPRESENTATION mv10801 at
Tue Feb 21 16:39:29 EST 1989

                          Conference on
                         May 24-26, 1989
                     University of Minnesota
                     Minneapolis, Minnesota

The appearance of the three dimensional world  from  images  pro-
jected  on  our two dimensional retinas is immediate, effortless,
and compelling. Despite the vigor of research in vision over  the
past  two decades, questions remain about the nature of three di-
mensional representations and the use  of  those  representations
for  recognition and action. What information is gathered? How is
it integrated and structured? How  is  the  information  used  in
higher level perceptual tasks? This conference will bring togeth-
er nineteen prominent scientists to address these questions  from
neurophysiological,  psychological,  and  computational  perspec-

The conference is sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific
Research  and the University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts
in cooperation  with  the  Departments  of  Psychology,  Computer
Science,  Electrical  Engineering,  Child  Development,  and  the
Center for Research in Learning, Perception, and Cognition.

Conference Speakers and Titles:
Albert Yonas, Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota
        "Development of Depth Perception"
Leslie G. Ungerleider, NIMH Laboratory of Neuropsychology
        "Cortical Pathways for the Analysis of Form, Space, and
         Motion: Three Streams of Visual Processing"
James Todd, Psychology, Brandeis University
        "Perception of 3D Structure from Motion"
William B. Thompson, Computer Science, University of Minnesota
        "Analyzing Visual Motion -- Spatial Organization at
         Surface Boundaries"
Kent Stevens, Computer Science, University of Oregon
        "The Reconstruction of Continuous Surfaces from Stereo
         Measurements and Monocular Inferences"
Eric Schwartz, Neurophysiology, New York University
        "Binocular Representation of the Visual Field in Primate Cortex"
Ken Nakayama, Smith-Kettlewell Eye Institute
        "Occlusion Constraints and the Encoding of Color, Form,
         Motion, and Depth"
Jittendra Malik, Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley
        "Representing Constraints for Inferring 3D Scene Structure
         from Monocular Views"
David Lowe, Computer Science, University of British Columbia
        "What Must We Know to Recognize Something"
Margaret Livingstone, Harvard Medical School
        "Separate Processing of Form, Color, Movement, and Depth: Anatomy,
         Physiology, Art, and Illusion"
Stephen Kosslyn, Psychology, Harvard University
        "Components of High-Level Vision"
J. J. Koenderink, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht Fysisch Laboratorium
        "Affine Shape from Motion"
Ramesh Jain, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Univ. of Michigan
        "3D Recognition from Range Imagery"
Melvin Goodale, Psychology, University of Western Ontario
        "Depth Cues and Distance Estimation: The Calibration
         of Ballistic Movements"
Bruce Goldstein, Psychology, University of Pittsburgh
        "A Perceptual Approach to Art: Comments on the Art Exhibition"
John Foley, Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara
        "Binocular Space Perception"
Martin Fischler, SRI International
        "Representation and the Scene Modeling Problem"
Patrick Cavanagh, Psychology, University of Montreal
        "How 3D Are We?"
Irving Biederman, Psychology, University of Minnesota
        "Viewpoint Invariant Primitives as a Basis for
         Human Object Recognition"

An art exhibit reflecting the theme of  the  conference  will  be
held  at  the Coffman Gallery, Coffman Memorial Union, throughout

The conference fee is $30 ($15 for current  students).  This  fee
includes  program materials, refreshments, and Wednesday's recep-
tion. Conference enrollment is limited, so early registration  is

The conference will be held in room 3-180 Electrical  Engineering
and Computer Science Building, University of Minnesota, Minneapo-
lis.  Parking is available nearby in the Harvard Street Ramp, 216
Harvard Street SE.  A map indicating building and  parking  loca-
tions will be sent to registrants.

A block of rooms has been reserved  at  the  Radisson  University
Hotel.  Rates  are $68 (plus tax) for double or single occupancy.
To make reservations, contact the hotel  at  (612)  379-8888  and
refer  to the program title to obtain these special rates. Reser-
vations must be made by April 9.

For Further Information, Contact:

Program: Jo Nichols, Center for Research in  Learning  Perception
         and Cognition, (612) 625-9367
Registration:  Char  Greenwald,  Professional   Development   and
               Conference Services, (612) 625-1520

Organizing Chairpersons:
        Gordon  Legge, Department  of Psychology, (612) 625-0846,   
                       legge at
        Lee Zimmerman, Department   of   Electrical  Engineering,
                       (612) 625-8544,
		       lzimmerm at

Registration Form:

Please duplicate for additional registrants.                   54-38LB

Vision and Three Dimensional Representation
May 24-26, 1989
University of Minnesota

Name _______________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________



          Day:_____________   Evening:______________

Position ___________________________________________

Affiliation ________________________________________

  ____ I enclose $30 general registration.
  ____ I enclose $15 current student registration.
                    Student I.D. number __________
  ____ The above fee will be provided by the University of Minnesota
               Department budget number __________

Please make check or money order payable to the University of Minnesota.

Mail to:	Registrar
		Professional Development and Conference Services
		University of Minnesota
		338 Nolte Center
		315 Pillsbury Drive S.E.
		Minneapolis, MN 55455-0139

Registration should be received by May 15.


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