(Tues. 2/21): Pierre Baldi on Space & Time in Neural Nets

Mark Gluck netlist at psych.Stanford.EDU
Mon Feb 20 23:11:03 EST 1989

            Stanford University Interdisciplinary Colloquium Series:
                   Adaptive Networks and their Applications

                        Feb. 21th (Tuesday, 3:30pm):
                        -- Note new room: 380-380X --
                      On space and time in neural networks:
                          the role of oscillations.

                                PIERRE BALDI

                         Jet Propulsion Lab 198-330
                             4800 Oak Grove Drive
                              Pasadena, CA 91109

  Co-Sponsored by: Departments of Electrical Engineering (B. Widrow) and
       Psychology (D. Rumelhart, M. Pavel, M. Gluck), Stanford Univ.

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