[ACT-R-users] Models of listening to continuous speech?
ion juvina
ijuvina at andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Aug 11 16:33:06 EDT 2009
I also used the audition module of ACT-R to model rehearsal based on
phonological loop in N-Back.
this paper describes the model:
Juvina, I., & Taatgen, N. A. (2007). Modeling control strategies in
the N-Back task. Proceedings of the eight International Conference on
Cognitive Modeling (pp. 73-78). New York: Psychology Press.
the code of the model is available to download from my webpage: http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~ijuvina/Publications.htm
~ ion
Ion Juvina, PhD
Research Fellow
Department of Psychology
Baker Hall 336A
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
telephone: 412-268-2837
email: ijuvina at cmu.edu
webpage: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ijuvina/index.htm
Download my most recent article at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2009.03.002
or email me for a free reprint
On Aug 11, 2009, at 4:10 PM, Richard M Young wrote:
> Hello Bonnie,
> Some years ago, following on from David Huss's work with Mike Byrne,
> Martin Greaves and I played around with simple models using the
> audicon to deal with lists of isolated words in a short-term memory
> experiment. At least in our hands, the audicon was assumed to hold
> "words" in some unspecified phonemic/phonological/articulatory code,
> which therefore required an access to DM/LTM in order to retrieve the
> word as a lexical item.
> As I remember it -- which is not well -- we found it a bit clunky to
> use the audicon to deal with ephemeral material spread out in time.
> With no disrespect to those who had worked on it, I think it's fair
> to say that not much thought had been given to the underlying design
> of a transducer dealing with speech sounds. For example, I *think*
> we had to add an END signal to indicate the silence following the
> last item in a list.
> Martin later build partial models of the running memory span task
> using a similar approach, and included them in his PhD thesis. He
> may be able to add to what I'm saying here.
> Word recognition in speech is a well-studied area in cognitive
> psychology, and there are some good (ad hoc) models around, and I
> believe a reasonable amount of consensus. It had crossed my mind
> from time to time that it would be an interesting area to bring into
> contact with Act-R. There are of course Act-R models of the lexical
> retrieval stage itself.
> Good luck!
> ~ Richard
> At 11:18 -0400 11/8/09, Bonnie John wrote:
>> Folks,
>> Anyone have an models using ACT-R's Audition Module to listen to and
>> comprehend continuous speech?
>> If not continuous speech, how about short phrases or anything other
>> than
>> tones?
>> Any experience using the Audition Module at all?
>> I'm asking because I'd like to make models of ACT-R using the JAWS
>> screen reader to navigate a web site and compare it to ACT-R models
>> of
>> visually navigating a web site. I'd like to read papers or speak with
>> someone who has had experience with the Audition Module to get a
>> heads-up on peaks and pitfalls.
>> I did browse the Publications page, but could only find papers that
>> use
>> vision (but I could have missed the listening ones - apologies if I
>> did).
>> Thanks,
>> Bonnie
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