Connectionists: ESR position available

Jaap van Pelt jaap.van.pelt at
Mon Jan 15 08:19:32 EST 2007

Early Stage Researcher position in Neuroscience / Neuroinformatics, VU / 
KNAW, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

In the framework of the European Union’s Marie Curie network for human 
resources and mobility activity, a new project “NeuroVers-IT” 
investigating Neuro-Cognitive Science and Information Technology has 
been set up. The project aims at collaborative, highly multidisciplinary 
research between 11 European well-known research institutions in the
areas of neuro-/cognitive sciences /  biophysics and robotics / 
information technologies / mathematics.
For this project, the Department of Experimental Neurophysiology at the 
Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research (CNCR) of the Vrije 
Universiteit (VU) in Amsterdam is looking for an Early-Stage Researcher 
(holding a Master’s degree entitling her/him to pursue a PhD degree). A 
good knowledge of spoken and written English is required, in combination 
with experience in neuronal network research, neurophysiology and 
especially computational neuroscience. The project concerns a 
computational modeling study in Neuro-Dynamics, in particular 
oscillatory activity in cortical circuits complementing experimental 
recordings in acute cortical slices.
The work will be conducted at the Department of Experimental 
Neurophysiology of CNCR of the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. The ESR 
position is presently open and lasts until 1 July 2009.  To be eligible 
the European candidate should not be a Dutch citizen and not have 
resided in the Netherlands for more than 12 months in the past 3 years. 
For information about these positions you may contact Dr. Jaap van Pelt, 
CNCR, jaap.van.pelt at, or Dr. Arjen van Ooyen, CNCR, 
arjen.van.ooyen at
Please send your written application including your CV and other 
relevant material before 1st Feb 2007.

!!! Please notify my new coordinates !!!

     Dr. Jaap van Pelt
     Department of Experimental Neurophysiology
     Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research
     Vrije Universiteit
     De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, Room C446
     The Netherlands
     E-mail: jaap.van.pelt at
     Phone:  +31.20.5987043
     Fax:    +31.20.5987112

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