Call for Paper : ICONIP'98-Kitakyushu

Takashi Omori omori at
Wed Jun 4 04:53:03 EDT 1997

*	    Call for Papers		*


The Fifth International Conference on Neural Information Processing
		Organized by
	Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS)
		Sponsored by
	Asian Pacific Neural Network Assembly (APNNA)

	October 21-23,1998
	Kitakyushu International Conference Center
	3-9-30 Asano, Kokura-ku, Kitakyushu 802, Japan

 The annual conference of the Asian Pacific Neural Network 
Assembly, ICONIP*98, will be held jointly with the ninth 
annual conference of Japanese Neural Network Society, 
from 21 to 23 October 1998 in Kitakyushu, Japan. The goal 
of ICONIP*98 is to provide a forum for researchers and 
engineers from academia and industries to meet and to 
exchange ideas on advanced techniques and recent developments 
in neural information processing. The conference further 
serves to stimulate local and regional interests in neural 
information processing and its potential applications to 
industries indigenous to this region.

Topics of Interest 
	Track$B-5(J: Neurobiological Basis of Brain Functions
	Track$B-6(J: Mathematical Theory of Brain Functions
	Track$B-7(J: Cognitive and Behavioral Aspects of Brain Functions
	Track$B-8(J: Theoretical and Technical Aspects of Neural Networks
	Track$B-9(J: Distributed Processing Systems
	Track$B-:(J: Applications of Neural Networks
	Track$B-;(J: Implementations of Neural Networks

Topics cover (Key Words):
	Neuroscience, Neurobiology and Biophysics, Learning and Plasticity, 
	Sensory and Motor Systems, Cognition and Perception

	Algorithms and Architectures, Learning and Generalization, Memory, 
	Neurodynamics and Chaos, Probabilistic and Statistical Methods, 
	Neural Coding

	Emotion, Consciousness and Attention, Visual and Auditory Computation,
	Speech and Languages, Neural Control and Robotics, 
	Pattern Recognition and Signal Processing,
	Time Series Forecasting, Blind Separation, 
	Knowledge Acquisition, Data Mining, 
	Rule Extraction

	Emergent Computation, Distributed AI Systems, 
	Agent-Based Systems, Soft Computing, 
	Real World Systems, Neuro-Fuzzy Systems

	Neuro Device and Hardware, Neuro and Brain Computers, 
	Software Tools, System Integration

 Conference Committee
	Conference Chair:
		Kunihiko Fukushima, Osaka University
	Conference Vice-chair:
		Minoru Tsukada, Tamagawa University
	Organizing Chair:
		Shuji Yoshizawa, Tokyo University
	Program Chair:
		Shiro Usui, Toyohashi University of Technology

	International Advisory Committee (tentative)
		Shun-ichi Amari, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
	Members: S. Bang (Korea), J. Bezdek (USA), 
		 J. Dayhoff (USA), R. Eckmiller (Germany), 
		 W. Freeman (USA), N. Kasabov (New Zealand), 
		 H. Mallot (Germany), 
		 G. Matsumoto (Japan), N. Sugie (Japan), 
		 R. Suzuki (Japan), K. Toyama (Japan), 
		 Y. Wu (China), L.Xei (Hong Kong), J. Zurada (USA)

Call for paper

	The Program Committee is looking for original papers on the 
	above mentioned topics. Authors should pay special attention 
	to explanation of theoretical and technical choices involved, 
	point out possible limitations and describe the current 
	states of their work. All received papers will be reviewed 
	by the Program Committee. The authors will be informed about 
	the decision of the review process by June 22, 1998. 
	All accepted papers will be published. As the conference 
	is a multi-disciplinary meeting the papers are required 
	to be comprehensible to a wider rather than to a very 
	specialized audience.

Instruction to Authors
	Papers must be received by March 31, 1998. The papers must 
	be submitted in a camera-ready format. Electronic or fax 
	submission is not acceptable. Papers will be presented at 
	the conference either in an oral or in a poster session. 
	Please submit a completed full original pages and five 
	copies of the paper written in English, and backing material 
	in a large mailing envelope. Do not fold or bend your paper 
	in any way. They must be prepared on A4-format white paper 
	with one inch margins on all four sides, in two column 
	format, on not more than 4 pages, single-spaced, in 
	Times or similar font of 10 points, and printed on one 
	side of the page only. Centered at the top of the first 
	page should be the complete title, author(s), mailing and 
	e-mailing addresses, followed by 100-150 words abstract 
	and the text. Extra 2 pages are permitted with a cost of 
	5000 yen/page. Use black ink. Do not use any other color, 
	either in the text or illustrations. The proceedings will 
	be printed with black ink on white paper. In the covering 
	letter the track and the topic of the paper according to 
	the list above should be indicated. No changes will be 
	possible after submission of your manuscript. Authors may 
	also retrieve the ICONIP style "iconip98.tex", "iconip98.sty" 
	and "sample.eps" files (they are compressed as form.tar.gz) 
	for the conference via WWW at URL

	The use of English is required for papers and presentation. 
	No simultaneous interpretation will be provided.

	The deadline for Registration for speakers and Early 
	Registration for non-speakers with remittance will be July 31,
	 1998. Both registration sheet and fee must be received by the 
	day. The registration fee will be as follows:

Japanese Yen
		      Dead line	        General Participant	Student
	Speaker	      July 31, 1998	    \40,000		\10,000
	      Early Regist.July 31, 1998    \40,000		\10,000
		     After July 31, 1998    \50,000		\15,000

	The registration fee for General Participant includes attendance 
	to the conference, proceedings, banquette and reception. The 
	registration fee for Student includes attendance to the 
	conference and proceedings.

Conference Venue
	Kitakyushu is a northern city in Kyushu Island, south west of 
	Japan main islands. The place is one of the Japanese major 
	industrial areas, and also has long history of two thousand 
	years in Japanese and Chinese ancient records. There are 
	direct flights from Asian and American major airports. 
	You will be able to enjoy some technical tours and excursion 
	in the area.

Passport and Visa
	All foreign attendants entering Japan must possess a valid 
	passport. Those requiring visas should apply to the Japanese 
	council or diplomatic mission in their own country prior to 
	departure. For details, participants are advised to consult 
	their travel agents, air-line reservation office or the 
	nearest Japanese mission.

	Hotel information will be Available in the Second Circular.

	Exhibition, poster sessions, workshops, forum will be held 
	at the conference. Two satellite workshops will be held just 
	before or after the conference.

Social Events
	Banquette, reception and excursion will be held at the 
	conference. The details will be announced in the second circular.

	Two satellite workshops will be held. One is "Satellite 
	workshop for young researcher on Information processing" that 
	will be held after the conference. The detail is announced in 
	the attached paper. Another workshop "Dynamical Brain" is under
	programming. This will take place in Brain Science Research 
	Center, Tamagawa University Research Institute. The details 
	will be announced in the Second Circular. Please see second 
	circular for more information on these workshops, and possibly 
	other new ones.

Important Dates for ICONIP*98

	Papers Due:					March 31, 1998
	Notification of Paper Acceptance:		June 22, 1998
	Second Circular (with Registration Form):	June 22, 1998
	Registration of at least one author of a paper:	July 31, 1998
	Early Registration:				July 31, 1998
	Conference:					October 21-23, 1998
	Workshop:					October 24-26, 1998

Further Information & Paper Submissions

	ICONIP*98 Secretariat
	Mr. Masahito Matsue
	Japan Technical Information Service
	Sogo Kojimachi No.3 Bldg.
	1-6 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102, Japan
	Tel:+81-3-3239-4565  Fax:+81-3-3239-4714
	E-mail:KYD00356 at

$B!y(J Could you suggest your friends and acquaintances who will be interested in 
  ICONIP*98-Kitakyushu? Thank you.

21-23 October, 1998
Tentative Registration

Name:  Professor       Dr.       Ms.       Mr.
       Last Name                First Name               Middle Name




Telephone:                   Fax:                      


	$B""(J	I intend to submit a paper.
		The tentative title of my paper is:

	$B""(J	I intend to attend the conference.
	$B""(J	I want to receive the Second Circular.

Please mail a copy of this completed form to:

	ICONIP*98 Secretariat
	Mr. Masahito Matue
	Japan Technical Information Service
	Sogo Kojimachi No.3 Bldg.
	1-6 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102, Japan
	Tel:+81-3-3239-4565  Fax:+81-3-3239-4714
	E-mail:KYD00356 at


	Satellite Workshop of ICONIP*98

    Workshop for Young Researchers on Information Processing
		in the Central Nervous System 
	--- Experimental and Theoretical Studies ---

			October 24-26, 1998

	Hiko-san Seminar House (Tentative)


	This workshop is a satellite meeting of ICONIP'98-Kitakyushu 
	to be held in Kitakyushu, Japan, on October 21-23, 1998. 
	In this workshop, invited talks by young researchers in 
	the field of neuroscience and talks by young authors 
	selected from among those who submitted papers to 
	ICONIP'98 will be given. The talks will cover a broad 
	range of topics in the field of neuroscience to promote 	
interdisciplinary interactions and to familiarize the 
	participants with a wide range of experimental and 
	theoretical methodologies. About one hour and 30 minutes 
	is assigned to each talk to allow in-depth discussion, 
	which benefits both the speakers and audience, namely, 
	better understanding of the talks for the audience and 
	possible improvement of the paper for the speaker. 
	Approximately 40 researchers will be able to participate. 
	The organizer will provide partial support for room and 
	board. The workshop will run from morning to evening every 
	day and informal discussion will follow at night.! 
	The organizers expect the attendance to exchange information 
	and build new friendships through the workshop. 


	Information processing in single cells 
	Sensory information processing/ 
	Learning and memory / Motor learning and adaptive control/
	Computational perspective / Methodology for data analysis / 
	Hardware implementation 


	A young author who is interested in participating in the 
	workshop should mark "WS" in red on all six copies of the 
	manuscript of his or her paper submitted to ICONIP'98, or 
	contact the workshop organizer as follows:

	Shunsuke Sato
	Fax: +81-6-853-1809
	e-mail: sato at

	A bus will leave from the gate of Kitakyushu International 
	Conference Center for the workshop site at 18:00, Oct. 23, 1998.

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\author{Aikon Nippu \dag and Kyuju Hachi \dag\dag}
\email{Nippu at}

\institution{\dag Dept. of Computer Eng., Univ University\\
Town1, City1, Prefecture 777, Japan\\
\dag\dag Dept. of Information, Univ University\\
Town2, City2, Prefecture 777, Japan}

  This is an example of a ICONIP '98 proceedings paper\footnote{This is
    a sample of footnote.}, as you should submit it.  All manuscripts
  must be in English. Electronic or fax submission is not acceptable.
  Use a two column format, with the title and author information
  centered across both columns on the first page, staying within the
  designated image area.  Illustrations and figures may also span both
  columns. Dimensions for the paper are specified in this text. Your
  paper should begin with an abstract of about 100-150 words.
keyword1, keyword2, keyword3
You must use the double column style specified. Please adhere to the style
 guidelines described in this sample paper. This allows us to maintain
 uniformity in the printed copy of the proceedings. 

\subsection{General Instructions}

The manuscript that you prepare will be printed as it is received. Neatness
is of paramount importance. Prepare upto 4 pages of text and figures for your
paper. Extra 2 pages are permited with a cost of 5000 yen/page.

Use black ink. Do not use any other color, either in the text or
illustrations. The proceedings will be printed with black ink on white

Enclose the completed full original pages and 5 copies with a cover
sheet, and backing material in a large mailing envelope; do not fold
or bent your paper in any way. Papers must be received before March,
31, 1998 by ICONIP '98 Secretariat ( the address is listed at the end ).
No electronic submission is accepted. No changes will be possible after
submission of your manuscript.
\subsection{Style Guidelines}
All manuscripts must be single space, in the specified two column format. A
full double column page with no illustrations should contain approximately
 1000 words.

All text should be in Times Roman or equivalent font, and the main
text should have a fontsize of 10 points.  Do not overcrowd and
create an unreadable paper by making the lettering or the line
spacing too small. The line spacing should be approximately
2.75 lines/cm (7 lines/inch).

Authors may also retrieve the ICONIP style ``iconip98.tex'',
``iconip98.sty'' and ``sample.eps'' files (they are compressed as
form.tar.gz) for the conference via WWW at following URL /jnns/ICONIP98.html

\subsubsection{Cover Sheet}
The cover sheet should include,
  (1) Paper title, (2) Track number, (3) Key words, (4) Oral / Poster,
  (5) Contact author's name, (6) Full mailing address, (7) Telephone
  number, (8) Fax number and (9) Electronic mail address

\subsubsection{Paper Title}
The paper title should be in 18-point boldface capital letters, centered
 across the top of the two columns on the first page as indicated above.

\subsubsection{Author's Name(s)}
The author's name(s) and affiliations(s) appear below the title in 12-point
capital and lower case letters. You should include a mailing address here if
space permits. It is also useful to include your email.

Each paper should contain an abstract of about 100-150 words that appears at
the beginning of the first column of the first page.

\subsubsection{Major Headings}
Major headings appear in 12-point bold face capital letters, centered in the
column. Examples of the various levels of headings are included in this sample 

Sub-headings appear in 12-point boldface capital and lower case. They start
 at the left margin on a separate line.

\subsubsection{Sub-Sub headings}
Sub-sub headings appear in 10-point boldface capital and lower case in text.
Justify and fill the text.

List and number all references at the end of the paper. Number the
references in the order they first appear in the text. When referring
to them in the text, type the corresponding reference number in the
square brackets as shown at the end of this paper \cite{AUTHOR1},
%[1], [2].

Illustrations must appear within the designated margins, and must be
part of the submitted paper.
% They may span two columns. If possible,
%position illustrations at the tops of columns, rather than the middle
%or at the bottom.
Caption and number every illustration. All halftone illustrations must
be clear black and white prints. Line drawings may be made in black
ink on white paper. Do not use any color illustrations.

\subsubsection{Samples of Equation}

 O(t) & = & \frac{1}{1-e^{I(t)}} \\
 I(t) & = & \sum ^{n}_{i=1} W_{i} \cdot X(i,t) \label{eq1} \\
 y & = & ax_1 + bx_2 + cx_3 + dx_4 + ex_5 \nonumber \\
   &   &  { } + fx_6 + gx_7 + hx_8 + jx_9 + kx_{10}


\subsubsection{Sample of Table}
This is a sample of table.
\caption{ A sample of table} 
\begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
  & A & B & C & D & E  \\ \hline\hline
A & 1.0 & 0.4 & 0.5 & 0.9 & 0.3 \\ \hline
B & 0.1 & 1.0 & 0.5 & 0.9 & 0.3 \\ \hline
C & 0.1 & 0.8 & 1.0 & 0.3 & 0.5 \\ \hline
D & 0.2 & 0.4 & 0.5 & 1.0 & 0.3 \\ \hline
E & 0.1 & 0.4 & 0.5 & 0.4 & 1.0 \\ \hline

\subsubsection{Sample of Figure}
This is a sample of figure.
        \caption{A sample of Figure}

\subsection{Layout Specification}

You should use letter size or A4 size paper that will be
 printed exactly as received. Keep the top and left margins as
specified. Detailed size specifications for the layout are given

It is important that your printer produces clean, high quality output,
since there will be no sharpness enhancing reduction of what you
provide.  Do not use a dot matrix or other low quality printer. If a
suitable printer is not available, you can type or print your paper at
a larger size and reduce it on a photocopying machine to the specified

All materials (text and illustrations) must appear within a bounding
box that is 180mm wide and 215 mm high (7.1" x 8.4") area. Noting
outside this area will be printed. The bounding box should be placed
in the center of the paper, with equal sized left and right margins,
and equal sized top and bottom margins.
Indicate the order of your pages by numbering them at the back using a
light pencil.

Text should appear in two columns, each about 86 mm wide with a 6 mm
space between the columns. On the first page, the top 47 mm (1.8") of
both columns is reserved for the title, author(s) and affiliations(s).
These items should be centered across both columns, starting at
approximately 18 mm (0.7") from the top. On the second page, the text or
illustrations start at approximately 18 mm (0.7") from the top.

\subsection{Writing Style and Other Hints}

It is sometimes difficult to describe your research work in detail and
stay within 4 pages. However, by proper organization of the text you
will be surprised how much information you can present. Emphasize the
presentation of your new contributions. Background information and
previous work can be summarized in a few lines accompanied by the
proper references.

Obvious errors or typos can easily be avoided and yet are often over
looked. Some useful hints are given below. Try to have others who are
familiar with the topic, but not necessarily a co-author, proofread
the text. Also the use of spelling checkers can be quite useful. If
English is not your nat ive language, try to have a native English
speaker or a professional English editor proofread your text.

Please direct any questions to the ICONIP '98 Secretariat,\\
{\bf ICONIP '98 Secretariat\\
 Mr. Masahito Matsue \\
 Japan Technical Information Service\\
 Sogo Kojimachi No.3 Bldg., 1-6 Kojimachi,\\
 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102, Japan\\
 Tel: +81-3-3239-4565, Fax: +81-3-3239-4714\\
 E-mail: KYD00356 at}

\bibitem{AUTHOR1} Author, O.,
  ``This is the first Reference (Journal),'' {\it IAGNU Trans.}, {\bf 
Vol.E99-D}, 12, pp.123--456 (1999).

\bibitem{AUTHOR2} Author., T,
  {\it The Second Reference -- Book --},  Authors Press, 1900.

\bibitem{FELLOW}  Fellow, A.G.,
  ``An Research about the Third Reference (Tech.Rep.),'' IEIE Tech. Rep., 
USO-88-123, pp.35-43 (1968).

\bibitem{FELLOW2} Fellow, A.B.,
  ``An Model of the Fourth Reference (Proceeding),'' Proceedings of the Fourth 
Sample Conference
 on Learning, pp.1234--6543 (1957).
\bibitem{FELLOW3} Fellow, A.B.,
  ``An Model of the Fourth Reference (Proceeding),'' Proceedings of the Fourth 
Sample Conference
 on Learning, pp.1234--6543 (1957).
\bibitem{FELLOW4} Fellow, A.B.,
  ``An Model of the Fourth Reference (Proceeding),'' Proceedings of the Fourth 
Sample Conference
 on Learning, pp.1234--6543 (1957).
\bibitem{FELLOW5} Fellow, A.B.,
  ``An Model of the Fourth Reference (Proceeding),'' Proceedings of the Fourth 
Sample Conference
 on Learning, pp.1234--6543 (1957).
\bibitem{FELLOW6} Fellow, A.B.,
  ``An Model of the Fourth Reference (Proceeding),'' Proceedings of the Fourth 
Sample Conference
 on Learning, pp.1234--6543 (1957).
\bibitem{FELLOW7} Fellow, A.B.,
  ``An Model of the Fourth Reference (Proceeding),'' Proceedings of the Fourth 
Sample Conference
 on Learning, pp.1234--6543 (1957).
\bibitem{FELLOW8} Fellow, A.B.,
  ``An Model of the Fourth Reference (Proceeding),'' Proceedings of the Fourth 
Sample Conference
 on Learning, pp.1234--6543 (1957).
\bibitem{FELLOW9} Fellow, A.B.,
  ``An Model of the Fourth Reference (Proceeding),'' Proceedings of the Fourth 
Sample Conference
 on Learning, pp.1234--6543 (1957).


end of ICONIP'98 call for paper mail

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