Job opportunities

Marwan Jabri marwan at
Fri Aug 23 22:51:09 EDT 1991

	   Research Fellows / Professional Assistants (2)
		Department of Electrical Engineering
		   The University of Sydney

	    Microelectronics Implementation of Neural
	   Networks based Devices for the Analysis and
	       Classification of Medical Signals


Applications are invited from persons to work on an advanced neural
network application project in the medical area.  The project is being
funded jointly by the Australian Government and a high-technology
manufacturer of medical products.

Appointees will be joining an existing team of 3 staff.

The project is the research and development of VLSI architectures of
neural networks for pattern classification applications.  The project
spans over a 2-year period and follows a preliminary study which was
completed in early 1991.

Applicants with expertise in one or more of the following areas 
are particularly invited to apply:

	- Neural network architectures and hardware implementation
	- Analog and/or digital VLSI design
	- Electronic systems design
	- Hardware development and design
	- EEPROM storage technologies
	- Analog circuits modeling and simulation

The appointments will be for a period of 2 years.

Applicants should have an Electrical/Electronic Engineering degree or
equivalent. The appointees may apply for enrollment towards a postgraduate
degree (part-time).

Salary range according to qualifications:  $25k - $40k

Method of application:
Applications including curriculum vitae, list of publications and the
names, addresses and Fax numbers of three referees should be sent to:

	Dr M.A. Jabri, 
	Sydney University Electrical Engineering
	Building J03
	NSW 2006 Australia
	Tel: (+61-2) 692-2240
	Fax: (+61-2) 692-3847
	Email: marwan at

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