[AI Seminar] AI Seminar sponsored by Apple -- Hsiao-Yu Fish Tung

Han Zhao han.zhao at cs.cmu.edu
Sun Feb 10 10:33:54 EST 2019

Dear faculty and students:

We look forward to seeing you next Tuesday, Feb. 12th, at noon in *NSH
3305 *for our AI Seminar sponsored by Apple. To learn more about the
seminar series,
please visit the website.
On Tuesday, Hsiao-Yu Fish Tung will give the following talk:
*Title: **Geometry-Aware Recurrent Networks: A visual system for embodied

*Abstract*: In this talk, I will introduce you our new work that integrates
two powerful ideas, geometry and deep visual representation learning, into
recurrent network architectures for mobile visual scene understanding. The
proposed networks learn to "lift" 2D visual features and integrate them
over time into latent 3D feature maps of the scene. They are equipped with
differentiable geometric operations, such as projection, unprojection,
egomotion estimation, and stabilization, in order to compute a
geometrically-consistent mapping between the world scene and their 3D
latent feature space. We train the proposed architectures to predict novel
image views given short frame sequences as input. Their predictions
strongly generalize to scenes with a novel number of objects, appearances,
and configurations, and greatly outperform predictions of previous works
that do not consider egomotion stabilization or a space-aware latent
feature space. We train the proposed architectures to detect and segment
objects in 3D, using the latent 3D feature map as input--as opposed to any
input 2D video frame. The resulting detections are permanent: they continue
to exist even when an object gets occluded or leaves the field of view. Our
experiments suggest the proposed space-aware latent feature arrangement and
egomotion-stabilized convolutions are essential architectural choices for
spatial common sense to emerge in artificial embodied visual agents.


*Han ZhaoMachine Learning Department*

*School of Computer ScienceCarnegie Mellon UniversityMobile: +1-*
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