[ACT-R-users] Has 'Conceptual Knowledge' been modeled?

Jerry Vinokurov jerryv at cmu.edu
Tue Sep 2 16:32:13 EDT 2014

On 9/2/14, 3:29 PM, Sandra L. Vaughan wrote:
> ACT-R Group,
> I need to either confirm that there are no existsing models of 
> "Conceptual Knowledge" (see definition below) in ACT-R (or any other 
> Cognitive Modeling Architecture), or find them if they exist.
> I have accomplished a rather exhaustive search of avaiable literature, 
> including the ACT-R acrhives,and have not found anything.  So I 
> thought I would send a request out to the group.
> Thank you in advance for your reply.
Hi Sandra,

In the course of doing some work on action recognition in video, I 
implemented a bridge between ACT-R and Scott Fahlman's SCONE knowledge 
base system (http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~sef/scone/). One advantage of this 
is that both systems are written in Lisp, so integration is extremely 
straightforward. SCONE is flexible enough to encode a wide range of 
conceptual knowledge, if you choose to use it that way. Let me know if 
you would like more details and I can send you the implementation of my 


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