[ACT-R-users] Has 'Conceptual Knowledge' been modeled?

Ion Juvina ion.juvina at wright.edu
Tue Sep 2 16:04:56 EDT 2014

The knowledge in declarative memory is usually organized as conceptual knowledge, i.e., it abstracts out some perceptual detail, can have semantics, hierarchical structure, etc.    

~ ion

On Sep 2, 2014, at 3:29 PM, "Sandra L. Vaughan" <sandralvaughan at gmail.com> wrote:

> ACT-R Group,
> I need to either confirm that there are no existsing models of "Conceptual Knowledge" (see definition below) in ACT-R (or any other Cognitive Modeling Architecture), or find them if they exist.
> I have accomplished a rather exhaustive search of avaiable literature, including the ACT-R acrhives,and have not found anything.  So I thought I would send a request out to the group.
> Thank you in advance for your reply.
> Definition - conceptual knowledge
> \When we store experience in memory, we do not record every detail, as a physical recording would. We keep some of the information and drop other [perceived as unimportant] details. We can abstract from specific experiences to general categories of the properties of that class of experiences. This sort of abstraction creates conceptual knowledge involving categories: for example, chairs and dogs (p.154) [2]"
> [2] Anderson, J. R., Cognitive psychology and its implications, Macmillan, sixth ed.,
> 2005.
> Thanks,
> Sandy
> Sandra L. Vaughan
> Sandra  L. Vaughan
> Air Force Institute of Technology
> Cell 706 619 6185
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