[ACT-R-users] Has 'Conceptual Knowledge' been modeled?

Alessandro Oltramari aoltrama at andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Sep 2 17:14:41 EDT 2014

Hi Sandra, 
please find below the links to two papers describing the general approach mentioned by Jerry.

Oltramari,	 A., Vinokurov, Y., Lebiere, C. Oh, J.,  Stentz, A. Ontology-based Cognitive System for Contextual Reasoning  in Robot Architectures.	
AAAI Spring Symposium	on Knowledge	Representation and	Reasoning (Stanford, USA, 24-26	March 2014).

Oltramari, A., Lebiere, C. (2012). Using Ontologies in a Cognitive-Grounded System: Automatic Action Recognition in Video Surveillance. Proceedings of STIDS 2012 (7th International Conference on “Semantic Technology for Intelligence, Defense,and Security”).


Alessandro Oltramari
Research Associate
Carnegie Mellon University
Collaborative Innovation Center, Room 2204
4720 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Tel. +1-412-268-3108
Homepage: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/aoltrama/aoltrama.html
Twitter/Skype: oltramale 

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On Sep 2, 2014, at 4:32 PM, Jerry Vinokurov <jerryv at cmu.edu> wrote:

> On 9/2/14, 3:29 PM, Sandra L. Vaughan wrote:
>> ACT-R Group,
>> I need to either confirm that there are no existsing models of "Conceptual Knowledge" (see definition below) in ACT-R (or any other Cognitive Modeling Architecture), or find them if they exist.
>> I have accomplished a rather exhaustive search of avaiable literature, including the ACT-R acrhives,and have not found anything.  So I thought I would send a request out to the group.
>> Thank you in advance for your reply.
> Hi Sandra,
> In the course of doing some work on action recognition in video, I implemented a bridge between ACT-R and Scott Fahlman's SCONE knowledge base system (http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~sef/scone/). One advantage of this is that both systems are written in Lisp, so integration is extremely straightforward. SCONE is flexible enough to encode a wide range of conceptual knowledge, if you choose to use it that way. Let me know if you would like more details and I can send you the implementation of my bridge.
> best,
> Jerry
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