[Soups-announce] EuroUSEC2024 Final Call!
pc.chairs.eurousec at gmail.com
Mon May 20 09:13:56 EDT 2024
Dear colleagues!
This is the *FINAL CALL *for submissions to the *2024 European Symposium on
Usable Security (EuroUSEC2024). *The event will be held on September 30 and
October 1, 2024, in Karlstad, Sweden
The deadline for obligatory abstract registration is *Monday, 27th May,
2024 (Anywhere on Earth (AoE)) *For more information on the submission
process, please visit: https://eurousec24.kau.se/#cfpapers
EuroUSEC is part of the USEC family of events. You can find more info about
all USEC events at: https://www.usablesecurity.net/USEC/index.php
The Proceedings of the conference will be published in *ACM Digital Library*
We welcome submissions containing unpublished original work describing
research, visions, or experiences in all areas of usable security and
privacy. We also welcome the systematization of knowledge with a clear
connection to usable security and privacy. We welcome a variety of research
methods, including both qualitative and quantitative approaches. All
submissions must clearly relate to human aspects of security or privacy. We
won't accept papers on security or privacy that don't address usability or
human factors. The same applies to usability or human factors papers that
do not address security or privacy.
We aim to provide a venue for researchers at all stages of their careers
and at all stages of their projects, accepting short (up to 8 pages) and
standard-length papers (at most 16 pages), reporting mature work.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
* Usable security and privacy implications or solutions for specific
domains (such as IoT, eHealth, and vulnerable populations)
* Methodologies for usable security and privacy research
* Field studies of security or privacy technology
* Longitudinal studies of deployed security or privacy features
* New applications of existing privacy/security models or technology
* Innovative security or privacy functionality and design
* Usability evaluations of new or existing security or privacy features
* Security testing of new or existing usability features
* Lessons learned from the deployment and use of usable privacy and
security features
* Reports of failed usable privacy/security studies or experiments, with
the focus on the lessons learned from such experience
* Papers with negative results
* Reports of replicating previously published important studies and
* Psychological, sociological, cultural, or economic aspects of security
and privacy
* Studies of administrators or developers and support for security and
* Studies on the adoption or acceptance of security or privacy technologies
* Systematization of knowledge papers
* Impact of organizational policy or procurement decisions on security and
Important Dates:
* Paper registration deadline (mandatory): Monday, 27th May, 2024 - AoE
* Paper submission deadline: Friday, 31st May, 2024 - AoE
* Notification: Monday, 8th July, 2024 - AoE
* Re-submission deadline: Monday, 22nd July, 2024 - AoE
* Revision notification: Monday, 5th August, 2024 – AoE
We apologize for any inconvenience if you receive multiple copies of this
letter; this may occur due to overlaps in our mailing lists.
Warm regards,
The EuroUSEC 2024 Organizing Committee
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