[Soups-announce] SOUPS Posters deadline approaching!

Joshua Reynolds jr1 at nmsu.edu
Tue May 14 15:26:33 EDT 2024

Hello SOUPS community,

If you have recently published a paper on usable security and privacy, we encourage you to share your published work as a poster at SOUPS! You can find our call for posters https://www.usenix.org/conference/soups2024/call-for-posters. The deadline for submission is fast approaching on May 23.

Sharing previously-published work is a great way to participate in the SOUPS community and hear new perspectives on your work. Any co-author can present your poster; often, undergraduates,  masters, or junior PhD students take lead on posters.

Authors who submit previously-published work as a poster only need the following pieces:
- The citation, abstract, and link to the published work.
- A draft of the poster.

We look forward to seeing your submission! Please feel free to reach out to us at soups24-posters at usenix.org<mailto:soups24-posters at usenix.org> if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Joshua, Kovila, and Sophie
SOUPS 2024 Posters Co-Chairs
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