[Soups-announce] Attend the Workshop on Security Information Workers

Haney, Julie M. (Fed) julie.haney at nist.gov
Fri Jul 30 15:57:33 EDT 2021

Join us for the 7th Workshop on Security Information Workers (WSIW)! WSIW is a FREE co-located workshop the day before the SOUPS - 8 Aug from 11 am-2:30 pm EDT.

Like SOUPS, WSIW considers the human elements of security and privacy, but with a specific focus on supporting security and privacy information workers who develop, use, and manipulate security- and privacy-related information and data as a significant part of their jobs.

We've got an exciting schedule of talks lined up, including a keynote from an industry expert on supporting developers in choosing open source. We hope you'll join us!  The agenda is included below. For other workshop details, please visit the workshop website<https://security-information-workers.org/>.

While registration is not mandatory, we ask that you complete a short registration survey<https://umdsurvey.umd.edu/jfe/form/SV_bjFxZUu7zv0fYpw> if you plan to attend so we have an idea of the number of people to expect and can more easily contact you with updates.

This year, we'll be running WSIW virtually using Zoom. The Zoom link will be posted on our website<https://security-information-workers.org/> a few days before, and we will also email it to registered attendees and post it on our Slack channel: wsiw.slack.com (which we encourage you to join).

If you have any questions, please contact us at soups21-wsiw at usenix.org<mailto:soups21-wsiw at usenix.org>.

We look forward to (virtually) seeing you there!

- WSIW 2021 Organizing Committee



11:00 - 11:15          Welcome
11:15 - 11:35    A Privacy Testbed for IT Professionals: Use Cases and Design Considerations<https://wsiw2021.usenix.hotcrp.com/paper/89> - Joseph Gardiner (University of Bristol), Mohammad Tahaei (University of Bristol), Jacob Halsey (University of Bristol), Tariq Elahi (University of Edinburgh), Awais Rashid (University of Bristol)
11:35 - 11:55    Exploring Government Security Awareness Programs: A Mixed-Methods Approach<https://wsiw2021.usenix.hotcrp.com/paper/83> - Jody Jacobs, Julie Haney, Susanne Furman, Fern Barrientos (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
11:55 - 12:15    Components of a Model of Cybersecurity Behavior Adoption<https://wsiw2021.usenix.hotcrp.com/paper/2> - Cori Faklaris (Carnegie Mellon University)

12:15 - 12:30    Break
12:30 - 13:30    Keynote - Choosing Better Open Source: Lessons from the Real World - Michaela Demeter (Intel)
13:30 - 13:45          Break
13:45 - 14:05    What Makes Security-Related Code Examples Different<https://wsiw2021.usenix.hotcrp.com/paper/35> - Azadeh Mokhberi
Tiffany Quon, Konstantin Beznosov (University of British Columbia)

14:05 - 14:25    Recording of Personal Health Information in the Age of Smartphones<https://wsiw2021.usenix.hotcrp.com/paper/66> - Raghav V. Sampangi (Dalhousie University), Carla Ann Heggie (Dalhousie University), Simeon Kanev (Alliance for Healthier Communities)
14:25 - 14:30          Closing remarks

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