[Olympus developers 26]: cmucltk changes

TK Harris tkharris at cs.cmu.edu
Sun May 4 00:48:42 EDT 2008

Recent changes have broken the Visual Studio build of the cmucltk, which 
Olympus depends on. The stable 2.1 branch of Olympus is pegged to an 
older version of the toolkit, so for now only the trunk is affected. I 
see that Alex has improved the cygwin build so that it's well integrated 
with the linux builds, and yet builds native Windows executables, also 
it looks like there are binaries checked in. 

We can either
1) fix the VS build
2) just use checked-in executables
3) require cygwin for an Olympus build

I don't really like any of these options; they each have some negatives. 
I'm open to suggestions.


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