Connectionists: [CFP] Call for Abstracts: UAI workshop on Causal Inference - deadline May 31st

Sara Magliacane sara.magliacane at
Wed May 15 03:16:13 EDT 2024

We are excited to invite submissions of extended abstracts for the upcoming
workshop on Causal Inference at the 40th Conference on Uncertainty in
Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2024), which will be held on *July 19th, 2024
in Barcelona, Spain.*

Our workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from all
areas of causal inference, including theoretical developments, empirical
studies, and innovative applications in AI and machine learning. We invite
submissions of *extended abstracts (up to 2 pages)* on all topics related
to causal inference and causality. More information on our website

*Important Dates:*

   - *Abstract Submission Deadline:* May 31, 2024, 23:59 UTC
   - *Notification of Acceptance:* June 18, 2024, 23:59 UTC
   - *Workshop date: *July 19th, 2024

*Submission Guidelines:*

   - *Format:* Extended abstracts of up to two pages (excluding
   references), formatted according to UAI guidelines and submitted in PDF
   format. Supplementary materials, such as detailed write-ups and code, are
   optional but should not exceed two pages.
   - *Submission Link:* Submit Here

This workshop will not have proceedings, which allows for the submission of
work that may be published elsewhere post-workshop, including at UAI.

We look forward to your contributions, which will be evaluated based on
originality, significance, and clarity. Selected submissions will be
included in the workshop's talks and poster session.

For any inquiries, please contact us at causaluai2024 at

Warm regards,

Razieh Nabi, Sara Magliacane, Daniel Malinsky, Caleb Miles, Karthika Mohan
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