Connectionists: Call for Workshops Proposal - The International Conference on Foundation and Large Language Models (FLLM2024)- 26-29 November, 2024 | Dubai, UAE

Gizem Varkonyi emergingtechnetwork.publicity at
Tue Jun 4 07:03:54 EDT 2024

[Apologies if you got multiple copies of this invitation]

Call for Workshops Proposal - The 2nd International Conference on
Foundation and Large Language Models (FLLM2024)

Hybrid Event

26-29 November, 2024 | Dubai, UAE

Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE UAE Section

*Call For Workshop Proposals*

The 2nd International Conference on Foundation and Large Language Models
(FLLM 2024),  will host a series of workshops and is also inviting new
workshop proposals. The purpose of the workshops is to emphasize current
and emerging topics of particular interest to the community.

Submit your workshop proposal to: (info at by June 20th.

Notification of Acceptance: by June 25th

Proposal Format

Each workshop proposal must include (maximum 4 pages, in PDF format):

   - Title of the workshop.
   - Workshop organizers (name and affiliation).
   - Scope and topics of the workshop.
   - Rationale:
      - Why the workshop is related to FLLM.
   - Workshop details:
      - A draft call for papers (including organizers, program committee,
      and steering committee if any).
      - Workshop tentative schedule (number of expected papers, duration
      full/half day, format talks/posters, etc.).
      - Workshop history: if there are past workshops, the history of the


Please send any inquiry on FLLM to: <emergingtechnetwork at>
info at
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