Connectionists: Tenure Track Professorship for Computational Modelling of Behaviour

Dominik Endres dominik.endres at
Wed Jul 26 11:48:09 EDT 2023

Tenure Track Professorship for Computational Modelling of Behaviour

Computational modeling of human behavior offers an important, 
future-oriented field of activity for psychologists. Developing models 
that describe and explain complex, dynamic behaviour is especially 
relevant in light of the rise of artificial intelligence and the 
increasing available of large-scale data sets on human behavior. The 
Department of Psychology at the Philipps University of Marburg 
strengthens the field of computational psychology by strategically 
filling this tenure track professorship.

We are looking for a scientist who will strengthen the research focus of 
the Department of Psychology by setting up their own research group and 
who will actively participate in collaborations and research initiatives 
at the Department of Psychology and the Philipps University. The 
professorship will develop computational methods for modeling and 
evaluating human behavior, efficient information processing, adaptation 
to the environment and interaction with the environment. The 
professorship builds a bridge to computer science and thus supports the 
AI-initiative of the Philipps University of Marburg.

For full advert, see:

best wishes,

Prof. Dr. Dominik Endres
Theoretische Kognitionswissenschaft - Theoretical Cognitive Science
FB 04 Psychologie
Tel: 06421-28 23818

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