Connectionists: [jobs] 7 permanent PostDoc positions

Florian Röhrbein florian.roehrbein at
Wed Sep 7 11:12:06 EDT 2022

As part of its data and AI strategy, the Faculty of Computer Science at Chemnitz University of Technology plans to establish the focus group "ailab" with a strong emphasis on transforming the economy for a sustainable future. For this purpose, 7 permanent positions will initially be established, focusing on the further development of artificial intelligence methods and their applications. The main focus areas are: enhanced interaction, smart data and infrastructures as well as embodied ai.

Applications should be submitted under the keyword "ailab" with the usual documents (cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications, description of teaching experience incl. supervision of theses) as well as a two-page description of previous and planned research activities (with reference to one of the three foucs areas of the ailab) by September 26, 2022, either electronically or by mail to dekanat at 

All details at

Prof. Dr. Florian Röhrbein

Technische Universität Chemnitz
Fakultät für Informatik
Professur Neurorobotik

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