Connectionists: New book "Artificial Intelligence Science and Society Part A" (Amazon/Kindle) presenting AI Science/Engineering and Information Technology

Ioanna Koroni ioannakoroni at
Wed Nov 2 11:14:45 EDT 2022

Dear AI professional, student, enthusiast,


AI Science and Engineering is un upcoming scientific discipline that can
fuse AI, brain and mind studies and social engineering in a new scientific

It has huge impact on both our society and environment.    The new book
"Artificial Intelligence Science and Society" consists of four volumes
(parts) debating 

all technical and social grand challenges of AI Science and Engineering in
an understandable and scientifically accurate manner. 

They are published in Amazon/Kindle.


The first volume "Artificial Intelligence Science and Society Part A:
Introduction to AI Science and Information Technology" 

overviews the entire new domain of AI Science/Engineering and Information
Technology (IT). It presents various hot AI and IT disciplines, e.g., 

Deep Learning, Symbolic AI, Signals and Systems, Computer Vision, Robotics
and Autonomy, Networks and Social media, Security and Blockchain (partial

It requires no mathematical/scientific background. Yet it is scientifically
precise and clarifies many misunderstandings and wrong concepts that can be
routinely found in the related literature. 


Here is just an indicative list of few of the debated topics and grand AI

*	Is AI Science and Technology a scientific discipline in its own
*	What is the difference between data, information, and knowledge?
*	How can we quantify knowledge?
*	What is the relation of Machine learning, AI and metadata, semantics
and concepts?
*	Can Virtual Reality truly empower meta-societies or is it just a
*	Can AI-powered human-centred computing surpass human intelligence?
*	Why swarm intelligence is so powerful?
*	How networks analytics and epidemiology explain the propagation of
ideas in social media?
*	How can we protect digital documents from tampering?

Part A Table of contents (276 pages): Data, Signals, Systems, Mathematics,
Data Acquisition, Processing and Analysis, Data Storage and Search, Computer

Data Visualization, Computer Graphics and Animation, Virtual and Augmented
Reality, Audio, Speech, and Text Analysis, Machine Learning. 

Pattern Recognition, Deep Learning, Information, Metadata, Semantics,
Concepts, Symbolic Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge, Anthropocentric
Computing, Robotics, 

Autonomy, Networks and the Internet, The World Wide Web, Social Media,
Network analytics, Swarm Intelligence, Software, Computing, Communications,
Security, Blockchain. 


Part A provides the scientific background to understand the other three book
parts:  AI Science, brain, mind, and humans (Part B), AI and its impact on
society, including AI Ethics (Part C) 

and the impact of AI and Information Science on the environment (Part D). 

*	"Artificial Intelligence Science and Society Part B: AI Science,
Mind and Humans" (276 pages)
*	"Artificial Intelligence Science and Society Part C: AI Science and
Society" (335 pages)
*	"Artificial Intelligence Science and Society Part D: AI Science and
the Environment" (177 pages)

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The four book volumes debate and try to forecast the future of AI Science
and Engineering, as well as the upcoming Mind and Social Science and


About the author: This book is a result of a two-year effort by Prof.
Ioannis. Pitas (IEEE fellow, IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, EURASIP fellow)
and was influenced by his being 

principal investigator of 75+ R&D projects on Computer Vision, Machine
Learning, Digital Media and chairing the International AI Doctoral Academy

Prof. I. Pitas is Director of the Artificial Intelligence and Information
Analysis (AIIA) lab at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH),

He was chair and initiator of the IEEE Autonomous Systems Initiative (ASI).
He has (co-)authored 15 books, 45 book chapters and over 950 papers in the
above topics. 

He has 34500+ citations to his work and h-index 87+. He is ranked 319
worldwide and first in Greece in the field of Computer Science (2022).



Prof. Ioannis. Pitas

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