Connectionists: CFP: 2nd Int. Workshop on Computational Aspects of Network Science (Sept. 05, Turin, Italy)
KATSAROS Dimitrios
dkatsar at
Tue Mar 8 06:24:46 EST 2022
CFP: 2nd International Workshop on Computational Aspects of Network
Science (with ADBIS'22)
CAoNS 2022 in conjunction with ADBIS 2022
September 05, 2022, Turin, Italy
The 2nd International Workshop on Computational Aspects of Network
Science (CAoNS) will be held in conjunction
with the 26th European Conference on Advances in Databases and
Information Systems (ADBIS'2022). CAoNS provides
opportunities for researchers and practitioners to share their original
research results, and practical development
products on Network Science.
The CAoNS 2022 workshop will be a hybrid event.
CAoNS aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners working on
areas related to any kind of network,
such as networks of devices, World Wide Web, social, bibliographic,
biological networks, complex systems, and so on,
with main focus on the management of networked data (retrieval,
evolution) and on the use of analytics for predictive
purposes and/or on the analysis of the networks themselves. Due to
numerous applications, there is a growing interest
in such systems from the point of view of modeling, capturing, storing
and management. This is where IT comes into play,
e.g. graph databases, machine learning, distributed and parallel processing.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Types of Networks
Multilayer & Single layer complex networks
Multiplex complex networks
Temporal complex networks
Higher-order complex networks
Analytics in Networks
Diffusion processes
Ranking/Searching algorithms
Network Evolution and Growth
Machine Learning in/for Networks
Node/edge classification
Network embedding
Topology characterization (inference/ prediction)
Network/Graph Databases
NoSQL, RDF, Query languages
Compressing, (Learned) Indexing
Parallel/Distributed processing
Novel Test/Benchmark collections
Security for Networked Data
Anomaly detection
Data protection
Crime data mining and network analysis
Trust and Reputation
Applications of Network Science in
Neural Networks
(Sport) Teams
Social/financial/legal networks
Deadline for submissions: May 16, 2022
Notification date: June 07, 2022
Camera ready due: June 15, 2022
Workshop date: September 05, 2022
All papers will be peer-reviewed. Papers should be submitted in PDF
format using the EasyChair online submission system via this
EasyChair link <>. Be
careful to select the CAoNS track for your submission.
Submitted papers should not exceed 6-8 pages for short papers and 12
pages for full papers, including figures, tables and references.
Accepted papers will appear in the CCIS book series published by
Springer. Author instructions along with LaTex2e (preferred) and
Word macro files are available at
For each accepted paper, at least one of the authors MUST register for
the conference by the camera-ready submission deadline
with a full registration.
We kindly ask authors to adopt inclusive language in their papers and
( and, and all participants
to adopt a proper code on conduct
Outstanding workshop papers will be invited to submit an extended and
revised version of their papers
to a special issue in a Q1 journal: Information Systems Frontiers (Springer)
Program Co-Chairs:
Dimitrios Katsaros, University of Thessaly (Greece)
Yannis Manolopoulos, Open University of Cyprus and Aristotle University
of Thessaloniki (Greece)
Please email all questions about submissions toDimitrios KATSAROS
<dkatsar at> or Evangelia FRAGKOU <efragkou at>
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