Connectionists: "Deletion of Data" Misconducts in Deep Learning

Prof Leslie Smith l.s.smith at
Wed Jun 8 07:49:37 EDT 2022

(Ignoring the last bit) That's a very US-centric view.

In reality, this particular problem probably is caused by (i) peer
reviewers not doing their job properly and (ii) the "publish or perish"
state of academia (which is defiantly not just a US problem!).

Science has always had fashions, and as Max Planck said: “A new scientific
truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the
light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new
generation grows up that is familiar with it.”

(often quoted as science advances one funeral at a time)

--Leslie Smith

Juyang Weng wrote:
> Let us continue our academic discussion.
> Who should be responsible for the current dismal situation of "deep
> learning" in particular and the brain modeling landscape in general?
> Are the following scientific establishments responsible?
> (1) NSF: Has NSF *rejected *new sciences, awarded "deleting data" and
> protected "deleting data"?
> (2) National Academy of Sciences (NAS) which is responsible for PNAS.  Has
> PNAS *"desk ejected"* new sciences and spread "deleting data"?
> (3) National Academy of Engineering (NAE): Has NAE admitted a new member
> who mismanaged ImageNet contests and promoted wide scale research
> misconducts in machine learning?
> (4) American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) which is
> responsible for *Science* Magazine.  Has *Science* Magazine *"desk
> rejected"* new sciences, spread "deleting data" and protected "deleting
> data"?
> (5) Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), which is responsible for
> the
> Turing Award 2018 and CACM journal.   Has ACM awarded "deleting data",
> spread "deleting data" and protected "deleting data"?;
> (6) Springer Nature which is responsible for *Nature* Magazine.  Has
> *Nature* Magazine *"desk rejected"* new sciences, spread "deleting data"
> and protected "deleting data"?
> (7) Neural Networks Journal.  Has *Neural Networks "desk rejected"* new
> sciences and spread "deleting data"?
> (8) Arxiv:  Has Arxiv *"desk rejected"* new sciences?
> With the current situation, many of our scientists become timid in order
> to
> make their works acceptable by the establishment.   Much taxpayers' money
> has been wasted in such timid research.

> Just my 2 cents of worth.
> -John
> --
> Juyang (John) Weng
> Brain-Mind Institute

Prof Leslie Smith (Emeritus)
Computing Science & Mathematics,
University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA
Scotland, UK
Tel +44 1786 467435

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