Connectionists: [CFP EXTENDED DEADLINE] The ACM Web Conference 2022 - Tutorials Proposal - November 11th, 2021
Coralie Gregoire
coralie.gregoire at
Fri Nov 5 06:59:51 EDT 2021
[Apologies for the cross-posting, this call is sent to numerous lists you may have subscribed to]
The ACM Web Conference 2022
[CFP] EXTENDED Deadline for Tutorial Proposals: November 11th, 2021 AoE
We invite tutorial proposals to be held at The Web Conference 2022 (formerly known as WWW). The conference will take place online, hosted by Lyon, France, on April 25-29, 2022.
Call for Tutorial Proposals
*Important Dates*
- NEW Deadline: November 11th, 2021
- Notification: December 16, 2021
- Online material due: April 7, 2022
Tutorials chairs: (www2022-tutorials at
- Senjuti Basu Roy (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)
- Riccardo Tommasini (INSA Lyon, France)
We invite tutorial proposals on current and emerging topics related to the World Wide Web, broadly construed to include mobile and other Internet and online-enabled modes of interaction and communication. Tutorials are intended to provide a high-quality learning experience to conference attendees. It is expected that tutorials will address an audience with a varied range of interests and backgrounds: beginners, developers, designers, researchers, practitioners, users, lecturers, and representatives of governments and funding agencies who wish to learn new technologies.
*Organization Details for Tutorials*
The Web Conf 2022 welcomes two types of tutorials. Lecture-style tutorials will be typically 1.5 hours in duration, while hands-on tutorials can be either 1.5 hours or 3 hours long.
1. A lecture-style tutorial (L) will cover the state-of-the-art research, development, and applications in a specific web computing and related area, and stimulate and facilitate future work. Tutorials on interdisciplinary directions, bridging scientific research and applied communities, novel and fast growing directions, and significant applications are highly encouraged.
2. A hands-on tutorial (H) will feature in-depth hands-on training on cutting-edge systems and tools of relevance to the web conference community. These sessions are targeted at novice as well as moderately skilled users. The focus should be on providing hands-on experience to the attendees. Tutorials should introduce the motivation behind the tool, associated fundamental concepts, and work through examples, and demonstrate its application to relatable real-life use cases. The pace of the tutorial should be adequate for beginners, e.g., early-stage Ph.D. and master students.
We welcome tutorials on the following topics while this not being an exhaustive list:
-Recommender systems
-Scaling NLP systems
-Advertisement on the Web
-Responsible web computing
-Web search and mining
-Decentralized web data management, web-scale computing, and data integration
-Knowledge graph (Common sense Knowledge Graph, Extraction, construction, and maintenance of Knowledge Graphs)
-Stream Reasoning, Web velocity, and dynamic knowledge graph
-Learning, reasoning, and inference on the Web
-Fact-checking in the context of misinformation and disinformation propagation
-Human-in-the-loop on the Web
-Conversational AI
-Neurocomputing on Web
-FAIR web data management
The Web Conference 2022 is also featuring special tracks on the Web for Good, on e-sports and online gaming as well on the History of the Web. Tutorials on topics related to these themes are highly encouraged. All tutorials will be part of the main conference technical program.
*Submission Guidelines*
Tutorial proposals should be in English and should contain no more than five (5) pages in length (according to the ACM format acmart.cls, using the “sigconf” option). Submissions must be in PDF and must be made through the EasyChair system at (select the Tutorial track). In addition, a video teaser of up to 3 minutes must be prepared as additional material of the submission (see also below).
Proposals should follow the following outline:
- General information
Title of the tutorial
Organizers & presenters names, affiliation, contact information, and brief bio.
- Abstract
1-2 paragraphs suitable for inclusion in the conference registration material.
- Topic and relevance
A description of the tutorial topic, providing a sense of both the scope of the tutorial and depth within the scope, and a statement on why the tutorial is important and timely, how it is relevant to The Web Conference, and why the presenters are qualified for a high-quality introduction of the topic.
- Style & duration
Please indicate whether this will be a lecture-style or hands-on tutorial. In the case of the latter, please indicate the equipment needs for participants (eg. pre-installed Jupyter notebook with specific packages).
Please also indicate the proposed duration of the hands-on tutorial (could be 1.5 hours or 3 hours, whereas, lecture-style tutorials are 1.5 hours), together with the justification that a high-quality learning experience will be achieved within the chosen time period.
- Audience
A description of the intended audience, prerequisite knowledge, and the expected learning outcomes.
- Previous editions
If the tutorial was given before, where and when was it presented? Please give details on the number of attendees, and how the proposed tutorial differs or builds on the previous ones. If possible, provide a link to the slides of the previous tutorial presentation.
- Tutorial materials
What tutorial materials will be provided to attendees? Are there any copyright issues?
- Video teaser
A Video teaser, up to 3 min, is required at the time of submission. The video can be hosted on any video sharing platform (e.g. YouTube) or any file sharing service (e.g. WeTransfer, Dropbox) and the link to the video MUST be included in the proposal.
- Organization details
Tutorial organizers are required to provide a backup plan that overcomes the potential occurrence of technical problems, e.g., pre-recorded lectures, self-paced exercises.
The tutorial presenter(s) will be responsible for making sure that the slides and any material needed for the tutorial are made available online in advance for attendees.
Review Process
The decision about acceptance or rejection of tutorial proposals will be made by the Tutorial Co-chairs, that may be supported by a small program committee and in consultation with the General and Program Committee Co-chairs, taking into account several factors including the timeliness of the topic, the topic fit with respect to The Web Conference 2022, the coverage of the topic in other tracks of the conference, the capacity of the venue, and the expertise of the presenters.
You can reach the Tutorials Chairs at www2022-tutorials at
Contact us: contact at
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