Connectionists: The 18th Annual IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2021)

Felipe Maia Galvão França felipe at
Fri May 21 10:26:22 EDT 2021

       The 18th Annual IFIP International Conference
       on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2021)
                  November 3-5, 2021
                    Paris, France


In cooperation with IFIP WG 10.3, Concurrent Systems
    - IEEE Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP)
    - IEEE Technical Committee on Cloud Computing (TCCLD)
    - IEEE Special Technical Community on Multicore
    - IEEE Special Technical Community on Parallel Models and Systems:
DataFlow and Beyond


High-Performance Computing and Big Data are two main areas where NPC
2021 will provide a dynamic forum to explore, discuss and debate
state-of-the-art technology issues and challenges. High-performance
computers and big-data systems are tied inextricably to the broader
computing ecosystem and its designs and market adoption. We strongly
believe that the stakes are high and are far beyond the boundaries of
nations and continents. We invite all researchers around the world to
submit papers to NPC 2021.

We share the view that, during the past decade, the tools and cultures
of high-performance computing and big data analytics are diverging to
the detriment of both, and the international community should find a
unified path that can best serve the needs of a broad spectrum of
major application areas. Unlike other tools, which are limited to
particular scientific domains, computational modeling and data
analytics are applicable to all areas of science and engineering, as
they breathe life into the underlying mathematics of scientific
models. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Parallel and distributed applications and algorithms
- Parallel and distributed issues and opportunities on artificial
intelligence applications.
- Parallel algorithms for computational and data-enabled scientific,
engineering, biological, and medical applications.
- Parallel algorithms for accelerators, neuromorphic architectures, and
other emerging architectures.

* Parallel and distributed architectures and systems
- Domain-Specific Accelerators for AI, deep learning, and applications in
industry sectors (such as health: genomics, finance: blockchain, and others)
- Non-traditional Computing Technology (Quantum/Optical/Superconducting
- Emerging architectures and systems at all scales, from embedded to cloud.
- Systems for enabling parallelism at an extreme scale.
- Power-efficient and green computing systems.
- Neuromorphic architectures and cognitive computing accelerators.
- Heterogeneous multicore architectures and accelerators.
- In-Memory and near-data computing.
- Network and interconnect architectures.
- Storage systems in novel big data architectures.
- IoT and Edge Computing-related topics.

* Parallel and distributed software environments and tools
- Programming models and compilation for existing and emerging platforms.
- Dataflow programming models, frameworks, languages, and environments for
data-enabled platforms.
- Virtualization of machines, networks, and storage.
- I/O, file systems, and data management.
- Resource management, scheduling, and load balancing.

Authors should submit the full version of the paper by July 11, 2021,
AOE. The full version should be a PDF file following the submission
guidelines that will be made available on the submission
website. Papers should be submitted for blind review. New-idea papers,
as well as papers that significantly advance established areas, are
strongly encouraged. Submission issues should be directed to program
chairs, Jean-Luc Gaudiot, Guangming Tan, and Stéphane Zuckerman. We
will publish top papers from NPC 2021 in a special issue of the
International Journal of Parallel Programming (IJPP), and the
proceedings will be published as part of Springer LNCS.

* Important Dates:                                      *
- Paper Submissions Due: July 11, 2021, AOE             *
- Results Notification: August 20, 2021                 *
- Camera-ready Version: August 27, 2021                 *

* Manuscript submission

Papers reporting original and unpublished research results and
experience are solicited. All paper submissions will be handled
electronically via EasyChair:

Papers must not exceed 12 pages in LNCS format. Authors must register
and submit their papers through the online submission system.

For more information, please visit the NPC 2021 conference website to
be announced soon.

Workshops & Tutorials will also be announced later

Christophe Cérin, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France
Depei Qian, Beihang University, PRC

Jean-Luc Gaudiot, University of California, Irvine, USA
Stéphane Zuckerman, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France
Guangming Tan, ICT, PRC

Local Arrangements Co-Chairs
Khaled Boussetta, Université Paris 13, France
Aziza Lounis, DNAC, France

Publicity Co-Chairs
Khaled Boussetta, Université Paris 13, France
Chen Liu, Clarkson, US
En Shao, ICT, PRC

Publication Chair
Éric Renault, ESIEE Paris, France

Web Chair
Elia Kallas, DNAC, France

Advisory Committee
Hai Jin, HUST, China (Chair)
Wenguang Chen, Tsinghua University, China
Yunquan Zhang, ICT, CAS, China
Weisong Shi, Wayne State University, USA
Shengzhong Feng, SZSC, China
Victor Prasanna, USC, USA

Kemal Ebcioglu, Global Supercomputing, USA (Chair)
Hai Jin, HUST, China (Vice Chair)
Chen Ding, University of Rochester, USA
Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee, USA
Guangrong Gao, University of Delaware, USA
Jean-Luc Gaudiot, UCI, USA
Tony Hey, Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK
Guojie Li, ICT, China
Yoichi Muraoka, Waseda University, Japan
Viktor Prasanna, USC, USA
Daniel Reed, University of Utah, USA
Weisong Shi, Wayne State University, USA
Ninghui Sun, ICT, China
Zhiwei Xu, ICT, China

Stéphane Zuckerman, CY Cergy Paris Université, France
Christophe Cérin, University Sorbonne Paris Nord, France
Anna Kobusinska, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Dezun Dong, School of Computer Science, National University of Defense
Technology, China
Avi Mendelson, Technion, Israel
En Shao, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Science,
Bo Yu, PerceptIn, China
Jean-Luc Gaudiot, University California Irvine, USA
Quan Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Éric Renault, ESIEE Marne-la-Vallée, France
Philippe Clauss, INRIA, ICube, University of Strasbourg, France
Bruno Raffin, INRIA & université of Grenoble, France
Theo Ungerer, University of Augsburg, Germany
Weile Jia, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Science,
Keqiu Li, Dalian University of Technology, China
William Jalby, Université Versailles Saint-Quentin, France
Weifeng Liu, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Won Woo Ro, Yonsei University, Korea
Claude Tadonki, Mines ParisTech - CRI, France
Jean-Thomas Acquaviva, DDN, France
Roberto Giorgi, University of Siena, Italy
Gabriel Paillard, Federal University of Ceará, Brazil
William Chu, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering,
TungHai University, Taiwan
Shaoshan Liu, PerceptIn, China
Piyush Sao, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Heithem Abbes, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Tunisia
Mostapha Zbakh, ENSIAS, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Marocco
Keiji Kimura, Waseda University, Japan
R Govindarajan, Indian Institute of Science, India
Albert Cohen, INRIA, France
Sven Groppe, University of Lubeck, Germany
Felix Freitag, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Marc Perache, CEA DAM, France
Arnaud Lallouet, Huawei Technologies Ltd, France
Cezary Mazurek, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poland
Arthur Stoutchinin, ST Microelectronics, France
Pierre Manneback, University of Mons, Belgium
Patrice Darmon, Umanis R&D, France
Yiannis Papadopoulos, AMD
Alba Cristina M. A. Melo, University of Brasilia, Brazil
Roberto Hsu, Asia University, Taiwan

Felipe M. G. França, PhD
Invited Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
Systems Engineering and Computer Science Program, COPPE
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Centro de Tecnologia, Av Horacio Macedo 2030, Sala H-319, 21941-914, Rio de
Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
felipe at
felipe at
felipe at
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