Connectionists: Call for Contributions: 5th Northern Lights Deep Learning Conference, 10-12 January 2022, Tromsø ("North Pole"), Norway.

Sigurd Eivindson Løkse sigurd.lokse at
Wed May 19 03:35:39 EDT 2021

Following tradition, we are organizing the 5th Northern Lights Deep Learning Conference (NLDL) on 10-12 January 2022 in Tromsø, Norway. Like previous years, it will be a conference on all aspects of deep learning theory and applications. On the 10th of January, a mini deep learning school in form of tutorials will be held, followed by the main conference on the 11th and 12th.

Please see<> for more information.

As always, we are happy to have top international speakers. This year, for instance, Serge Belongie from Cornell University and Copenhagen University, as well as Zeynep Akata from the University of Tübingen and Max Planck Institute for Informatics.

We are accepting two alternatives for contributions: (1) Full paper submissions (6 pages) will be presented either as orals or as posters and will be published in the conference proceedings*; (2) Extended abstracts (2 pages) will be presented either as orals or as posters (but not published in the conference proceedings).

Deadline for both types of submissions: October 15th, 2021.

Instructions on template etc. can be found on<>.

We hope to see many participants for a nice scientific gathering on the "north pole", including social events, and hopefully some northern lights 😊

*The Proceedings of NLDL are approved as a level 1 publication in the Norwegian national list of authorized research publication channels.

Kind regards,

The NLDL 2022 organizing committee.
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