Connectionists: [CFP] Workshop on Spatial Language Understanding and Grounded Communication for Robotics @ACL-2021
Kordjamshidi, Parisa
kordjams at
Wed Feb 3 19:12:07 EST 2021
International Combined Workshop on Spatial Language Understanding (SpLU) and Grounded Communication for Robotics (RoboNLP) @ACL-2021<>
Maja Matarić, University of Southern California
Kartik Narasimhan, Princeton University
Jean Oh, Carnegie Mellon University
Thora Tenbrink, Bangor University
Important Dates
• Submission Deadline: April 26, 2021
• Notification: May 28, 2021
• Camera Ready deadline: June 7, 2021
• Workshop Day: August 5-6, 2021
Leveraging the foundation built in the prior workshops RoboNLP 2017, SpLU 2018, SpLU-RoboNLP 2019, and SpLU 2020, this workshop aims to realize the long-term goal of natural conversation with machines in our homes, workplaces, hospitals, and warehouses. It also highlights the importance of spatial semantics when it comes to communicating about the physical world and grounding language in perception. Human-robot dialogue often involves developing an understanding of grounded spatial descriptions. These capabilities invariably require understanding spatial semantics that relates to the physical environments where robots are embodied. The main goal of this joint workshop is to bring in the perspectives of researchers working on physical robot systems and with human users, and align spatial language understanding representation and learning approaches, datasets, and benchmarks with the goals and constraints encountered in HRI and robotics. Such constraints include high costs of real-robot experiments, human-in-the-loop training and evaluation settings, scarcity of embodied data, as well as non-verbal communication.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Achieving Common Ground in Human-Robot Interaction
- Aligning and Translating Language to Situated Actions
- Cognitive and Linguistically Motivated Spatial Language Representations
- Evaluation Metrics for Language Grounding and Human-Robot Communication
- Human-Computer Interactions Through Natural or Structural Language
- Instruction Understanding and Spatial Reasoning Based on Multimodal Information for Navigation, Articulation, and Manipulation
- Interactive Situated Dialogue for Physical Tasks
- Language-based Game Playing for Grounding
- Reasoning over Spatial Language (e.g. Based on Qualitative and Quantitative Spatial Representation)
- Spatial Language and Skill Learning via Grounded Dialogue
- Spatial Information Extraction from Text (e.g. Locative Descriptions, Navigation Instruction)
- (Spatial) Language Generation for Embodied Tasks
- (Spatially) Grounded Knowledge Representations
* Long Papers *
Technical papers: ACL style, 8 pages excluding references
* Short Papers *
Position statements describing previously unpublished work or demos: ACL style, 4 pages excluding references
ACL Style files:<;!!HXCxUKc!khfrlWtiuYmvK0a4J3QdR3kB6atVW0_mXD7k_95_FEuXIm-uGpME9UmFs12OYjw$>
Submissions website:<;!!HXCxUKc!khfrlWtiuYmvK0a4J3QdR3kB6atVW0_mXD7k_95_FEuXIm-uGpME9UmF0lQQloA$>
Non-Archival option: ACL workshops are traditionally archival. To allow dual submission of work to SpLU-RoboNLP 2021 and other conferences/journals, we are also including a non-archival track. If space permitting, these submissions will still participate and present their work in the workshop, and will be hosted on the workshop website, but will not be included in the official proceedings. Please submit through softconf but indicate that this is a cross submission (non-archival) at the bottom of the submission form.
Malihe Alikhani, University of Pittsburgh
Valts Blukis, Cornell University
Parisa Kordjamshidi, Michigan State University
Aishwarya Padmakumar, University of Texas at Austin
Hao Tan, University of North Carolina
Feel free to contact Organizing Committee at splu-robonlp-2021 at<mailto:splu-robonlp-2021 at>.
Kordjamshidi, Parisa
Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University
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