Connectionists: CFP: IMOL 2022 -- Intrinsically-Motivated Open-ended Learning

Georg Martius georg.martius at
Fri Dec 17 09:41:16 EST 2021

Dear Colleagues,	
We are pleased to announce the “Fifth International Workshop on
Intrinsically-Motivated Open- ended Learning (IMOL2022)”, which will be
held at Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen
(Germany) on April 4-6th 2022.
Following the four previous workshops, IMOL 2022 will further explore
the advancements of intrinsically motivated open-ended lifelong
learning. The workshop aims to be a highly interactive event with
high-profile keynote presentations and the participation of an audience
of about 60 people. It will foster close interaction among the
participants with discussions, poster sessions, and collective round
tables directed towards specific objectives.

**Participating in IMOL2022**		

Participation in the workshop is free of charge but, given the specific
nature of the meeting, is limited to a restricted number of people.
Prospective attendees should submit either a brief statement of
motivation or (preferably) an abstract to be presented as a poster or
contributed talk.

The submission should be made by Feb 4th 2022 over easychair following
the instructions at 	

Topics of interest involve open-ended lifelong learning in autonomous
agents and robots, for example:
- Autonomous robot open-ended learning
- Architectures for open-ended learning
- Multi-task reinforcement learning
- Deep reinforcement learning
- Intrinsic motivations
- Curriculum learning
- Goal self-generation
- Open-ended development
- Multiple task solution and parameterized skills
- Neural/probabilistic representations and abstractions
- Goal-based skill learning
- Knowledge transfer and avoidance of catastrophic forgetting
- Compositionality and chunking
- Abstraction and hierarchies of goals and skills
- Visual planning and problem solving
- Mitigating risks of real-world deployment of open-ended learning systems	

**Important Dates:**
Abstract submission: Feb 4th 2022
Conference dates: April 4-6th 2022

**REAL at IMOL2022 a robotics competition**

IMOL2022 will also host a hands-on micro-workshop on how to participate
in the REAL 2021 competition ("Robot open-Ended Autonomous Learning").
The competition, started in 2021 and ending in 2022, aims to develop a
benchmark in the field of open-ended learning, and to form a community
focused on comparing models able to face the several interesting
challenges posed by open-ended learning.
The competition involves a simulated robot manipulating objects that:
(1) first acquires sensorimotor competence in a fully autonomous way (no
reward function, pre-wired knowledge on objects and actions, etc.), on
the basis of mechanisms such as free exploration, curiosity, intrinsic
motivations, and self-generated goals; (2) then it is tested with some
‘extrinsic goals’ to measure the quality of the autonomously acquired
The competition is based on a fully open-source software kit that relies
on a very fast 3D simulator (PyBullet) and includes a fully functioning
and modifiable "baseline” robot architecture. The kit allows a handy
development of your models on your computer before submitting them. The
top 3 winning teams will receive prizes.

Important dates of the competition:
- 23/08/2021: competition started
- 18/01/2022: hands-on presentation of the competition
- 04/04/2022: IMOL hands-on micro-workshop
- 24/06/2022: competition ends
- 12-15/09/2022: presentation of winners at ICDL 2022 (with launch of
REAL 2022)
For further details, please refer to the competition website:

Best regards from the organizers of IMOL:
Georg Martius
Rania Rayyes
Christian Gumbsch
Vieri Giuliano Santucci
Gianluca Baldassarre

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