Connectionists: Post-doctoral posts in England / Germany...

John Spencer (PSY - Staff) J.Spencer at
Thu Dec 9 13:11:06 EST 2021

Please circulate the info below to any talented candidates.

Three year postdoctoral positions in England / Germany

Profs. John Spencer and Gregor Schoener are looking for two postdoctoral candidates to work on a joint project funded by the Leverhulme Trust. The goal of the project is to construct a theory that explains how the brain flexibly integrates lower-level processes with higher-level language and executive functions. The project will use the framework of Dynamic Field Theory (<>) to both simulate human behaviours and embody the theory on an autonomous robot to explore application to real-world scenarios.

One postdoctoral fellow will be housed in the School of Psychology at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK. The other fellow will be housed at the Institute for Neurocomputing at the Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany.

Inquiries can be addressed to John Spencer (j.spencer at<mailto:j.spencer at>) or Gregor Schoener (gregor.schoener at<mailto:gregor.schoener at>).

Applications are due by January 20, 2022. The posts will be available starting March 7, 2022.

John P. Spencer, PhD

Developmental Dynamics Lab<><>

School of Psychology,
Room 0.09
Lawrence Stenhouse Building,
University of East Anglia,
Norwich Research Park,
Norwich NR4 7TJ
United Kingdom

Telephone 01603 593968

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Gold (Teaching Excellence Framework 2017-2021)
World Top 200 (Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020)
UK Top 25 (The Times/Sunday Times 2020 and Complete University Guide 2020)
World Top 50 for research citations (Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020)
Athena SWAN Silver Award Holder in recognition of advancement of gender equality for all (Advance HE 2019)

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