Connectionists: CfP - SS on "Machine Learning for Extreme Weather Events Forecast" (IJCNN @ WCCI2020)
Angelo Ciaramella
angelo.ciaramella at
Sun Jan 26 04:33:02 EST 2020
... Apologize for multiple posting ...
Special Session on "Machine Learning for Extreme Weather Events Forecast"
2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) @
World Congress on Computational Intelligence
July 19-24 2020, Glasgow, UK (
Website of the call for papers
Important Dates
Paper submission: 30 January 2020
Notification of acceptance: 15 March 2020
Aim and Scope
In the next few years, due to global climate changes, extreme weather
phenomena are expected to become increasingly frequent even in areas
previously characterized by a mild climate as, but not limited to, the
Mediterranean area. Extreme weather refers to phenomena potentially
casting severe damage, serious social disruption, or loss of human
life. These phenomena vary, depending on the latitude, altitude,
topography, and atmospheric conditions. Recently, the Mediterranean
area is subject to a range of destructive weather events, including
middle-latitudes storms, Mediterranean sub-tropical hurricane-like
storms ("medicanes"), and small-scale but violent local storms.
Machine learning techniques and in particular Deep Learning, have been
used to recognize, classify, and trace the trajectories of severe
storms in atmospheric model data. Even though predicting large-scale
atmosphere disturbances is a common activity in numerical weather
prediction, the tasks of recognizing, identifying, and tracing
trajectories of such extreme weather events within weather model
outputs remains challenging.
The aim of the special session is to host the recent research advances
in the fields of Severe Weather Events by using Machine Learning
Potential topics include (but not limited to):
- Machine Learning
- Deep Neural Networks
- Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy Systems
- Evolutionary approaches
- Computational models
- High Performance Computing based methodologies
applied to:
- Events risk assessment
- Recognizing, identifying, and tracing storm trajectories
- Feature selection from meteorological data
- Weather Forecasting Computational Models
For paper guidelines please visit
For submissions please select the single topic "Machine Learning for
Extreme Weather Events Forecast" from the "Special Sessions" category
as the main research topic on
Angelo Ciaramella, University of Naples Parthenope, Italy
Raffaele Montella, University of Naples Parthenope, Italy
Ian Foster, University of Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Raffaele Montella, raffaele.montella at
- Angelo Ciaramella, Ph.D
- Associate Professor in Computer Science
- DiST, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie
- Università degli Studi di Napoli "Parthenope"
- Room 431, Isola C4, Centro Direzionale
- I-80143 Napoli, ITALY
- Tel.: 0815476674
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